Event coming up: The Organic Growers Gathering 2023

From October 6-8, the Organic Growers Gathering 2023 will take place in Reading in the UK and is organised by growers for growers.

From small scale fruit, vegetable, herb and flower growers to land workers, crafters and purveyors of folk music. The gathering is for networking, skill sharing, building community, discovering, and learning together to grow alliances between farming networks and platform growers voices for a more resilient community farming future, as part of a ripening food and land justice movement.

It is also important to include young people in growing events, as they will be our future farmers. There will be a ‘Young Growers’ space with practical, fun and inspirational workshops. We encourage thinking about the next generation becoming skilled in healthy land-based work.

The gathering is hosted at Tolhurst Organic CIC, one of the longest-running organic farms in the UK renowned for pioneering, ethical stock-free organic standards. Set in the beautiful Oxfordshire countryside, by the River Thames.

Further information

This event is in association with The Organic Growers Alliance.



organicgrowersalliance.com: The Organic Growers Alliance Website
