Recent survey reveals user demographics on Organic Farm Knowledge platform

Who does the Organic Farm Knowledge platform reach? According to a recent survey conducted as part of the OrganicTargets4EU project, the majority of users are organic farmers.

Organic Farm Knowledge platform user demographics survey results (January-May 2024)

The Organic Farm Knowledge platform aims to promote the exchange of knowledge among farmers, farm advisers, and scientists. To assess whether these target stakeholders are being effectively reached, a survey was conducted from January to May 2024 within the OrganicTargets4EU project. Users were asked to voluntarily identify their roles, revealing a diverse user base.

The results revealed that 28% of users are organic farmers, 9% are non-organic farmers, and 6% are farmers transitioning to organic practices. Additionally, 7% are agricultural advisors, with another 7% being organic agricultural advisors. Researchers make up 15% of users, students 17%, teachers 6%, agricultural press 2%, and 3% are from the input industry (seeds, crop protection, etc.). The survey highlights the platform’s broad appeal across different sectors involved in organic farming.

