3rd Organic Field Days - Gladbacherhof

From June 28 to June 30 2022 the third national Organic Field Days will be held at the Gladbacherhof (agricultural holding of the Hessian State) near the town of Villmar, where the University of Gießen operates its institute for research and experiments in organic agriculture.

Eco field days location at Gladbacherhof in Villmar, Germany.

The nationwide Organic Field Days in Germany are a two-day meeting place for all organic farmers and all farmers who want to convert or are looking for new methods for environmentally friendly agriculture. The event offers actors from the entire sector an ideal platform to discuss current issues with farmers and representatives from politics and business. The innovation show shows where organic agriculture stands and where it is heading.

The event provides a unique combination of practice and research in organic agriculture and animal husbandry. The biennial event exhibits innovations and discusses current topics with farmers and representatives from politics and business.

This years program includes:

  • Updates on newest agricultural technology with machine demonstrations
  • Latest findings on challenges such as:
    • Climate crisis
    • Organic breeding
    • Animal welfare
  • Presentation of demo crops including:
    • Corn
    • Carrot
    • Pea
    • Soy
    • Lupine

Further Information


A special note for our English speaking visitors: Unfortunately, it is not possible to provide English translations of all presentations and talks. Please contact the staff of the Organic Field Days to get information on the events offered in English language.
