Postponed: 20th Organic World Congress

In light of recent developments around covid-19, the organizing committee has decided to postpone the Organic World Congress to September 8-10, 2021 (pre-conferences to take place September 6 and 7).

People who are speakers, contributors, pre-conference organisers, sponsors or who have already registered to attend the event will shortly be contacted to clarify what the postponement means for them. The event website will continue being the central place for updates on the event and information on registration, reimbursement, program etc. will be published in due course.

Submissions are still valid for 2021. The committee is in the process of contacting authors about their submissions. They are requested to fill out a questionnaire to indicate whether they want to keep their submission, withdraw it, update and resubmit it, - or whether they do not know yet.

Further information

