Survey on organic seed databases in the EU

Results of the survey will be used to provide recommendations to the European Community in order to contribute to improvement of the organic seed databases.

A fundamental principle in organic farming is the use of seeds that are produced under organic conditions. Each EU member state maintains an online database in order to facilitate the acquisition of such seeds (art. 48 Commission Regulation 889/2008). The Polytechnic University of Marche (Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy) invites users of the databases to partake in a survey which has been prepared for a general evaluation of the organic seed database in each country. Results of the survey will be used to provide recommendations to the European Community in order to contribute to improvement of the organic seed database in your country under the scope of the European LIVESEED project.

Further information


For more information or clarification about the questionnaire, the use of data and privacy, please contact Francesco Solfanelli.

