Farmers' & Advisors' Forum at the 20th Organic World Congress

The 20th Organic World Congress, which will take place in Rennes, France, from September 8 to 10, 2021, will include a Farmers' & Advisors' Forum. The forum offers farmers from five continents the unique opportunity to gather for three days and discuss what it means to be an organic farmer, learn how other organic farmers work, and explore what challenges organic farmers currently face or will face in the future.

The Farmers' & Advisors' Forum at the 20th Organic World Congress aims to create a space for exchange between farmers and farming advisors to promote positive experiences, best practices, and success stories in organic farming.

The Farmers' & Advisors' Forum will yield the floor to farmers from across the globe. Organic farmers are hereby invited to present their success stories, positive experiences, and best practices to an audience of their peers. Presentations should align with one of the following topics: organic farming as a holistic system, farmers empowerment and autonomy, or the social dimension of organic farming. This forum is also open to organic farming advisors, who are invited to share their knowledge on how advisory services can effect change in the agricultural model.

Oral presentations shall not exceed 15 minutes and should strongly incorporate visual media (e.g., pictures, videos) to facilitate audience comprehension.

The organiszers aim to organize simultaneous translation in English, French, and Spanish for all forum presentations. Farmers may hold their presentation in one of these three languages or in their native language if the farmer has a translator on hand who is able to simultaneously translate into English, French, or Spanish.

Forum Themes

Forum contributions should fall into one of the following categories:

  • Theme 1: Organic Farming as a Holistic System
  • Theme 2: Farmers Empowerment and Autonomy on their Farm and on the Market
  • Theme 3: Farmers commitment to the social dimensions of organic farming
  • Theme 4: Advisory services: How to Take Part in Changing the Agricultural Model

Submission Process

  • Contributions can be submitted until 30 September 2019, 23:59 CET
  •  All contribution must be submitted via the online platform (or, under exceptional circumstances, farmers with severely limited Internet access may submit their contribution via email. Even in that case, visit the submission platform)
  • Contributions may be submitted in English, French or Spanish
  • Contributions will be selected by the Forum board members after a review

The notification of acceptance will be sent in February 2020.

Criteria for the selection of contributions:

  • Does the contribution address organic farming?
  • Does the contribution fit with to one of the call themes?
  • The farmers forum board will ensure that selected papers represent all together a diversity in terms of regions, gender, ages and topics.

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