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Seed quality

Seed quality

Organic seed multiplication requires time and specific skills to produce high quality, healthy seed. Without chemical inputs and seed treatment, organic seed health and quality start in the field through an integrated approach taking into account the whole ecosystem: soil, pathogens, genetics and seed microbiome. After the harvest, seed cleaning and selection are fundamental to choose the best quality seed with the highest germination rate and vigour. Seed testing is required.

On this page, you can find tools and resources to help you monitor and improve the quality and health of your organic seeds, including available organic treatments for seed borne pests and diseases.


TitleIssuing organisationProjectYear of releaseRating
Application of acetic acid as a seed treatment in organic cereal seed (Liveseed...Agrologica2020
Bean Seed Treatment: a simple approach without specific laboratory equipment...FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture2019
Bunt management (Liveseed video)ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic... , Agrologica2020
Bunt treatment methods (Tilletia caries) (Liveseed video)ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic... , Agrologica2020
Calorespirometry – A phenotyping tool to assess pea germination efficiency under...University of Évora2020
Farm saved seed: what are the rules? (Liveseed Practice abstract)Rete Semi RuraliLiveseed2020
Grain cleaning (Liveseed video)ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic...Liveseed2020
How to keep your snap bean varieties? (Bresov Practice Abstract)Serida - Regional Agrifood Research and...2022
How to reproduce Brassica oleracea crops in purity (BRESOV Practice abstract)University of Catania2019
Innovative techniques for seed treatments compatible with organic farmingITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food , ACTA - Les Instituts Techniques AgricolesLiveseed2009
Legal limitations for the use of organic and new genetically diverse seeds in...SEAE - Spanish Society of Ecological AgricultureLiveseed2020
Managing common buntITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and FoodLiveseed2008
Managing common bunt in wheat seed lots (Liveseed Practice Abstract)Agrologica , ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food , AGES - Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety2019
Organic pumpkin breeding (Liveseed video)IFOAM Organics EuropeLiveseed2020
Practical Guide for drying and storing vegetable seeds in organic small-scale...ITAB - Institut Technique en Agriculture... , Pro Specie Rara , Wageningen University & Research , Arche Noah , European Coordination Let's Liberate... , ÖMKi2023
Producing alfalfa seeds for organic agricultureITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food , FNAMS - Fédération Nationale des Agriculteurs...Liveseed2003
Producing cabbage seeds for organic agricultureITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food , FNAMS - Fédération Nationale des Agriculteurs...Liveseed2006
Producing carrot seeds for organic agricultureITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food , FNAMS - Fédération Nationale des Agriculteurs...Liveseed2005
Producing cereal seeds for organic agricultureITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food , FNAMS - Fédération Nationale des Agriculteurs...Liveseed2002
Producing forage crop seeds for organic agriculture: evolving techniquesITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food , FNAMS - Fédération Nationale des Agriculteurs...Liveseed2008
Producing lettuce seeds for organic agricultureITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food , FNAMS - Fédération Nationale des Agriculteurs...Liveseed2003
Producing onion seeds for organic agricultureITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food , FNAMS - Fédération Nationale des Agriculteurs...Liveseed2004
Producing red clover seeds for organic agricultureITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food , FNAMS - Fédération Nationale des Agriculteurs...Liveseed2005
Producing zucchini seeds for organic agricultureITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food , FNAMS - Fédération Nationale des Agriculteurs...Liveseed2003
Production of soybean seeds (Legumes Translated video)LTZ - Agricultural Technology Centre Augustenberg , Deutscher SojaförderringLegumes Translated2021
Saving and storing tomato seeds (Liveseed Video)UPV - Universitat Politècnia de ValènciaLiveseed2020
Seed germination protocol for small seed lots of cauliflower and broccoli...University of Catania , Euroseeds2022
Seed health in potatoes (Liveseed Practice Abstract)LBI - Louis Bolk InstituteLiveseed2020
Seed vigour, keep it high! (Liveseed Practice Abstract)WUR - Wageningen University & Research , ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic...Liveseed2019
Soil based seed germination protocol for cauliflower and broccoli (Bresov...Euroseeds22
Storage of soybeansTaifun-Tofu , LZ SojaOK-Net EcoFeed2015
Susceptibility of winter wheat cultivars to various isolates of common bunt...AGES - Austrian Agency for Health and Food SafetyLiveseed2021
The proper storage of organic seeds and warehouse pest control techniques...ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic...Liveseed2020
Tomato: seed extraction and conservation (BRESOV Practice Abstract)CREA - Research Centre for Vegetable and... , UPV - Universitat Politècnia de València2019
Tomato: Seed treatment for organic agriculture (BRESOV Practice Abstract)University of Catania2022
Treating wheat seed with vinegar against common bunt (Liveseed Practice...Agrologica , ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and FoodLiveseed2021

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