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Forage production plays a particularly important role in an organic farming system. While providing feed and nutrition for livestock, they also contribute to the health of subsequent crops, sequester carbon, strongly influence the nutrient cycle, soil health, quality and biology as well as on-farm sustainability and biodiversity.

Often thought to be simpler to manage than crops, successful management and utilisation of forage is essential to optimise productivity and ensure livestock receive nutrient rich forages that minimise the need for external feed inputs.

On this page, you can learn about forage crops from hay to silage.


TitleIssuing organisationProjectYear of releaseRating
Biobase - the most important french document archive specialised in organic...ABioDoc - French Documentation Centre specialised...2021
Blue mussels as feedstuff (OK-Net EcoFeed Practice Abstract)AU - Aarhus UniversityOK-Net EcoFeed2020
Brewer's yeast silage for feeding pigs (OK-Net Ecofeed Video)Ecovalia - Asociación Valor EcológicoOK-Net EcoFeed20213.5 (2)
Clover-grass protein by bio-refining - Nutrient composition and shelf life...AU - Aarhus University , ICROFS - International Centre for Research in...2021
Detecting heat damages in processed soya bean with NIR (OK-Net Ecofeed Video)Donau SojaOK-Net EcoFeed2021
Dry Forages: Process and techniques (OK-Net EcoFeed Practice Abstract)AIAB - Associazione Italiana Agricoltura BiologicaOK-Net EcoFeed2020
Ensiling legume forage pulp (ProRefine Practice Abstract)Università Cattolica del Sacro CuoreProRefine , CORE Organic Cofund2022
Ensiling legume forage stems (ProRefine Practice Abstract)Università Cattolica del Sacro CuoreProRefine , CORE Organic Cofund20224 (1)
Establishing forage turnip in the pasture outdoor area as supplementary feed to...SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural SciencesOK-Net EcoFeed2021
Experiments on the cultivation and feeding of nettles (OK-Net EcoFeed video)V.Ö.P. - Verbund Ökologische PraxisforschungOK-Net EcoFeed2021
Feed in organic productionSwedish board of AgricultureOK-Net EcoFeed , OK-Net Arable2016
Feeding faba bean to poultry in practiceLLH - Landesbetrieb Landwirtschaft HessenLegumes Translated2021
Feeding pea to poultryLLH - Landesbetrieb Landwirtschaft HessenLegumes Translated2021
Feeding pigs in organic farmingITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food , IBB - Initiative Bio Bretagne , Chambres d’agriculture Pays de la Loire , IFIP - Institut du PorcOK-Net EcoFeed2014
Feeding pigs silageInnovative FarmersOK-Net EcoFeed2016
Feedstuffs for organic pigsCREA - Council for Agricultural Research and...OK-Net EcoFeed2012
FiBL Collaboration podcastFiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture2023
FiBL Focus podcastFiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture20204.5 (6)
Fodder trees for organic dairy goatsCCBT - Coordination centre for applied research... , Wim Govaerts , Odisee - University of Applied Sciences , Inagro2022
Foraging of pigs in outdoor areas (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract)AU - Aarhus UniversityOK-Net EcoFeed2020
Foraging sows on high-protein grasslandITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and FoodOK-Net EcoFeed2018
Free-range laying hens: providing species-appropriate and sustainable husbandry...FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture , Bioland Beratung , KÖN - Kompetenzzentrum Ökolandbau Niedersachsen , Bio AustriaOK-Net EcoFeed2010
Free-range pigs: high animal welfare with appropriate infrastructure and...FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureOK-Net EcoFeed2019
Fulfilling 100 % organic poultry diets: roughage and foraging from the rangeORC - Organic Research CentreOK-Net EcoFeed20155 (1)
Fulfilling 100% organic pig diets: ConcentratesORC - Organic Research CentreOK-Net EcoFeed2015
Fulfilling 100% organic pig diets: Feeding roughage and foraging from the rangeORC - Organic Research CentreOK-Net EcoFeed20153.7 (3)
Fulfilling 100% organic poultry diets: ConcentratesORC - Organic Research CentreOK-Net EcoFeed2015
Green protein from locally grown crops (OK-Net EcoFeed Practice Abstract)AU - Aarhus UniversityOK-Net EcoFeed2020
Guide for assessing the protein quality in soya feed products (OK-Net EcoFeed...Donau SojaOK-Net EcoFeed2020
Guide for farms to plan small scale soya bean processing equipment (OK-Net...Donau SojaOK-Net EcoFeed2020
Guidelines for certification - organic feed processingCAAE - Servicio CertificaciónOK-Net EcoFeed2016
Increasing feed production using legume and cereal mixtures as a second crop...Chambres d’agriculture Pays de la LoireDiverimpacts2021
Linseed supplementation for improvement of colostrum quality (Practice abstract...Institute of Genetics and Animal Biotechnology...ProYoungStock2021
List of weeds traditionally used to feed pigsEcovalia - Asociación Valor Ecológico , Universidad de CórdobaOK-Net EcoFeed2020
Lucerne as pig feedSECALIBIO - Sécuriser les Systèmes Alimentaires en...OK-Net EcoFeed20195 (1)
Maize and beans – Organic roughage with benefits?Thünen-InstitutOK-Net EcoFeed2016
Maize germ cake (OK-Net EcoFeed Practice Abstract)Soil AssociationOK-Net EcoFeed2020
Mother-bound calf rearing at the Rengoldshausen farm explained by Mechthild...FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture , Hofgut Rengoldshausen2019
Nitrogen budget calculator. A tool to calculate N-budgets in organic forage...ZALF - Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape...20130.7 (5)
Okara: Including a soya by-product into the poultry diet (OK-Net Ecofeed...AIAB - Associazione Italiana Agricoltura BiologicaOK-Net EcoFeed2020
Organic CerealsFiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureOK-Net Arable20104 (3)
Organic maizeFiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureOK-Net Arable20191 (1)
Organic Poultry Production: Providing Adequate MethionineNCAT - National Center for Appropriate TechnologyOK-Net EcoFeed2010
Organic Soybean production in EuropeÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic...OK-Net Arable2016
Plants and planting designs for organic poultry rangesØkologisk Landsforening (Danish Organic National...OK-Net EcoFeed2015
Poultry feeding in organic farmingITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and FoodOK-Net EcoFeed2015
Practical advice for organic production of lupinesLandesforschungsanstalt für Landwirtschaft und...OK-Net Arable20144 (4)
Protein extraction from forage legumes (ProRefine Practice Abstract)AU - Aarhus UniversityProRefine , CORE Organic Cofund2022
Proteins from organically grown green crops are promising poultry feedICROFS - International Centre for Research in...OK-Net EcoFeed2014
Rapeseed regrowth and white clover cover crop valorisation through sheep grazing...CRA-W - Walloon Agricultural Research CentreDiverimpacts2022
Ration planning tool, user manual and webinar: Poultry and swineITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food , FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureOK-Net EcoFeed20214.8 (5)
Recommendations for using soy-based feedstuffs for poultry production (OK-Net...Bioland BeratungOK-Net EcoFeed20205 (1)
Relevance of roughage feeding to pigs (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract)FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureOK-Net EcoFeed2019
Roughage for organic laying hensØkologisk Landsforening (Danish Organic National ...OK-Net EcoFeed20095 (1)
Seaweed as feed supplement (OK-Net EcoFeed Practice Abstract)AU - Aarhus UniversityOK-Net EcoFeed2020
Soy with less anti-nutritional factors excellent for yields and rationsCRPA - Centro Ricerche Produzioni AnimaliOK-Net EcoFeed2019
Soybean silage (OK-Net Arable Practice abstract)AIAB - Associazione Italiana Agricoltura BiologicaOK-Net Arable2018
Starfish as feedstuff (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract)AU - Aarhus UniversityOK-Net EcoFeed2020
Storage of soybeansTaifun-Tofu , LZ SojaOK-Net EcoFeed2015
Strategy options for feeding 100% organic feed to organic monogastric livestockV.Ö.P. - Verbund Ökologische PraxisforschungOK-Net EcoFeed2014
Sunflower oil cake (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract)AIAB - Associazione Italiana Agricoltura BiologicaOK-Net EcoFeed2020
Test with laying hens for feed in the open air area (OK-Net Ecofeed Video)V.Ö.P. - Verbund Ökologische PraxisforschungOK-Net EcoFeed2021
The potential for sprouted seeds to supply feed for laying hens (OK-Net Ecofeed...Soil AssociationOK-Net EcoFeed20204 (1)
Traditional raw materials, alternative products and by-products for organic pig...Universidad de CórdobaOK-Net EcoFeed20202.5 (1)
Unprocessed soya beans low in trypsin inhibitors in organic pig fattening diets...Donau SojaOK-Net EcoFeed2020
Use of a robot to feed roughage, improving welfare of broilersSEGESOK-Net EcoFeed2018
Utilisation of waste heat from biogas plants for drying fine-grained legumes...Bioland BeratungOK-Net EcoFeed2020
Weed Control in Grass and Forage CropsIBERS Grassland Development CentreOK-Net Arable2013
Whey in pig feedLa finca de hoyOK-Net EcoFeed2017

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