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Protected cultivation

Protected cultivation

Greenhouse production is often characterised by spatially, temporally and energy-intensive cultivation. The high investment costs require high yields to ensure the economic sustainability of organic greenhouse systems. Greenhouse crops have high nutrient demands, meaning that often many inputs are used to fill these requirements, which increases the risk of adverse environmental impact.

Many challenges must be overcome to improve the sustainability of organic greenhouse systems. In Central and Northern European countries, the primary challenge is to reduce the energy use under low temperature and low light conditions, whereas, in Mediterranean countries, the main challenge is to reduce the use of plant protection products, fertiliser and water as much as possible.

Here you will find tools which apply to crops grown within a protected system, including plastic tunnels and greenhouses.


VirsrakstsIzdevējorganizācijaProjektsIzlaiduma gadsNovērtējums
Agroekoloģiskie augi Dienvideiropas siltumnīcā (Greenresilient Factsheet)CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and...GreenResilient2021
Daudzveidīgas rotācijas aizsargātās dārzeņu ražošanas sistēmās (DiverIMPACTS...INRAE - National Research Institute for...Diverimpacts2021
Jaunas metodes, lai kontrolētu ūdens un barības vielu piegādi kultūraugiem...FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture , University of Almería2020
Kā novērtēt nezāļu bioloģisko daudzveidību: nezāļu funkcionalitātes izmantošana...CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and...GreenResilient2021
Mason bites veiksmīgai apputeksnēšanai slēgtos ķiršu dārzos (Biofruitnet video)FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureBiofruitnet2020
Pārnest mulču bioloģiskajās siltumnīcās (Greenresilient Factsheet)FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureGreenResilient2021
Pārnest mulču bioloģiskajās siltumnīcas kultūrās (Greenresilient Practice...FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureGreenResilient2021
Vibrācijas signāli, lai kontrolētu balto mušu bioloģiskā siltumnīcu ražošana...FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureRELACS2021
Ziedu sloksnes: līdzeklis kaitēkļu kontrolei siltumnīcās (Greenresilient...GRAB - Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture...GreenResilient2021
Ziedu sloksnes: līdzeklis kaitēkļu kontrolei siltumnīcās (Greenresilient...GRAB - Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture...GreenResilient2021

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Tēmas un diskusija