Organic Farm Knowledge webinar - July 6th

Are you interested in knowledge exchange about organic farming? 

You are invited to join the webinar on how to improve Organic Farm Knowledge. Based on the results from the user survey collected until then, the webinar will be an opportunity to give further input and discuss how we can develop and improve the online platform in order to turn it into a European reference hub for knowledge on organic farming. The GoToTraining webinar will take place on Monday, July 6, from 3:00 PM - 4:30 PMCEST.

IMPORTANT: As this webinar was organised in the framework of the EURAKNOS coordinated support action, please fill in the consent form, linked below. Your personal data will be protected and all data will be handled confidentially, bound by the information in the consent form.


More information

Links registration link consent form user survey link (open until 10 July) homepage
