Thema's en discussie

Ontdek een verscheidenheid aan biologische landbouwonderwerpen, doe mee aan discussies en wissel ideeën en informatie uit met collega's en wetenschappers.

Fibre crops

Fibre crops

As the major non-food commodity, natural fibres and their products are produced and processed all over the world.Consumers have become aware of the health and environmental issues related to the conventional production of fibre crops. The increased demand for sustainably and equitably produced fibre, as well as producer concerns, have encouraged fibre producers to transition to organic production. The success of growing organic fibre crop is a systems approach, which improve soil health, on-farm diversity, weed management and irrigation needs.

Here tools related to all fibre crops are featured, from cotton to hemp.


TitelUitgevende organisatieProjectJaar van uitgaveScore
Biologische hennep - Oogstproducten, producten en mogelijkhedenFiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture2023
Herintroductie van de hennepteelt in mediterrane gebieden (DiverIMPACTS Practice...CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and... , FIRAB - Fondazione Italiana per la Ricerca in...Diverimpacts2021


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Thema's en discussie