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Subtropical and tropical fruits

Subtropical and tropical fruits

The vast majority of tropical and subtropical fruit production takes place in developing economies and are cultivated at a subsistence rather than commercial level. These fruits play an important role in food security, as well as rural employment and economic development for those engaging in fruit export. Organic fruit production in the tropics comes with its own set of unique challenges. Due to tropical fruits highly perishable nature, environmental and distribution challenges are some of the key challenges to maintaining and developing production while supplying international markets. Concerns of food safety, as well as environmental and social impact in consumer countries, drive the consistent increase in demand for organic tropical fruits worldwide.

This page contains tools about the production of many subtropical and tropical fruits, like figs, kiwis, persimmons, bananas, mangoes, pineapples, papayas, coconut, avocadoes, coffee, etc.


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Thema's en discussie