Thema's en discussie

Ontdek een verscheidenheid aan biologische landbouwonderwerpen, doe mee aan discussies en wissel ideeën en informatie uit met collega's en wetenschappers.



The history of viticulture and winemaking in Europe spans centuries. Demand continues to grow for organic wines and environmentally sound viticulture practices. Organic grapevine production has spread across the global and aims at producing high-quality grapes and wines while maintaining a balance between resources, living organisms, the use of external inputs including plant protection products to optimise productivity.

The greatest challenge in organic viticulture is the regulation of fungal infections. The use of resistant varieties can help in overcoming this challenge. However, not all consumers like wines made from resistant varieties and for certain traditional wines, the use of traditional grape varieties is prescribed. To control the spread of fungal diseases downy mildew and powdery mildew, organic viticulture now has a clay product associated with a small amount of copper. It is critical for producers to exploit all preventative measures, to minimise the copper application strategies, and to evaluate alternative and complementary solutions.

This page features a wide range of tools specific to organic viticulture and winemaking.


TitelUitgevende organisatieProjectJaar van uitgaveScore
Behoud en verbeter heilzame stoffen in biologische wijngaarden (BioVine Practice...Agroscope , KIS - Agricultural Institute of Slovenia , SCV - Research Station for Viticulture and EnologyBioVine2020
Compostthee: innovatief beheer van biologische zoete kersenboomgaarden en...CREA - Research Centre for Agriculture and...2023
Controle van bladpathogenen in de biologische wijnbouw (BIOVINE Practice...Università Cattolica del Sacro CuoreBioVine2020
Ecologische gewasbeschermingsmogelijkheden voor druiven, aangevuld met onze...ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic...RELACS2021
Het gebruik van aardbeien als levende mulch in biologische boomgaarden en...UNIVPM - Università Politecnica delle MarcheDomino2019
Koperreductiestrategieën in de wijnbouw (RELACS Practice abstract)FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture , IFOAM Organics Europe , ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic...RELACS2021
Verhoog de gezondheid van planten door mycorrhiza-schimmels (BIOVINE Practice...INRAE - National Research Institute for...BioVine2020
Zoethoutextract als alternatief om het kopergebruik in wijnstokken te...FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture , IFOAM Organics Europe , Julius Kühn-Institut2022


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Thema's en discussie