Thema's en discussie

Ontdek een verscheidenheid aan biologische landbouwonderwerpen, doe mee aan discussies en wissel ideeën en informatie uit met collega's en wetenschappers.

People and skills

People and skills

Organic farms aim to ensure fairness through equity and respect along the production and supply chain; farmers, employees, processors, distributors, traders and consumers. Attracting, keeping and motivating labour through appropriate human resource management is of particular importance in the context of agricultural labour, and can be a challenge. Effective human resource management can improve farm productivity and sustainability.

In this theme, you find resources related to the people and skills on your farm, including topics like cooperatives, training, safety, leadership development and more.

Featured tools


TitelUitgevende organisatieProjectJaar van uitgaveScore
Interactieve innovatie: netwerkanalysetool voor praktijkmensenTeagasc , FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture , UPM - Polytechnic University of Madrid2022


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Thema's en discussie