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The agricultural European Innovation Partnership EIP-AGRI has published a factsheet on protein…

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The Swiss magazine "Bioaktuell" keeps farmers updated on various interesting topics regarding…

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The project "DemoNetErBo" wants to establish a knowledge transfer network for cultivation and…

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In September 2018, members of the European funded OK-Net EcoFeed project visited Marc Pousin’s farm…

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The project OK-Net EcoFeed, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020…

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OK-Net EcoFeed is funded within the EU Horizon 2020 program, started in January 2018 and runs for 3…

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The OK-Net Arable project will come to an end in February of 2018. The end of OK-Net Arable is not…

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Quick test – infiltration rate of arable soils

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Farmers and researchers explore the potential for improving nitrogen (N) efficiency in organic…

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The WUZI dock-cutter - a potential strategy for managing docks in pastures

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