Agricultural Conference – February 1-4, 2023

On the occasion of the upcoming 100th Anniversary of Biodynamics, this years agricultural conference with the topic "Reflections on Agriculture as a Cultural Impulse" will take place at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland.

Conference programme.

A year before the centenary of the biodynamic movement, it is time to reflect on the Koberwitz impulse and on the way it evolved in agricultural practice, research and society. In this upcoming conference we take a look at the spiritual sources that express themselves as a cultural impulse throughout the history of agriculture.

As individuals and organisations in the biodynamic movement we can also ask ourselves: What has inspired my path? Do I understand my own history? How do I carry these inspirations into the future? In the evolution of agriculture we can recognise the fundamental question: What do human beings and the earth have to do with each other? What links the evolution of agriculture and the history of becoming human?


The conference theme will be explored in greater depth in the over 16 three-day workshops, which will focus on experiences in the different topic areas and participant discussion. The workshops will be offered in two languages.

Artistic Courses

The three-day courses are devoted to an artistic development of a specific topic and include eurythmy, movement, speech formation, music and painting.

Open Space

Open Spaces are over 50 open events on different topics in the form of presentations, discussion groups, forums and readings. This heading also covers meetings by professional or specialist groups and tours of the Goetheanum.

Further information

There will also be online events. For more details visit the event website.

