The farm organism for planetary health - Online course

A biodynamic perspective on climate change, ecological balance and the responsibility of the farmers for our agriculture future.


September 12th to October 5th, 2022




In this online course the essential aspects of the biodynamic core concept, the farm organism, will be presented and discussed. In addition to theoretical background knowledge, the course will pay special attention to presenting methods, tools and mindsets from worldwide biodynamic practice. More details can be found in the program (in event website linked below).

This course is designed to support people who work in the field of biodynamic agriculture in particular advisory services, training, coordination or research. As the course is practice-oriented farmers or people working in agricultural/environmental organizations are also highly welcome.

The course lasts four weeks, with a maximum weekly workload of 6h, of which a 3h15min face-to-face. It is structured using various components and designed in such a way that it can easily be attended on a part-time basis. Practical exercises as well as self-study and peer group learning accompany and connect the regular live sessions during the four weeks of the course. The event will be held in english.

Further information 


