E-learning courses on organic citrus orchards - October 11-13

The courses will be held online on 11, 12 and 13 October. Each of the sessions will last one hour and will deal with specific topics of organic citrus production.

Organic Citrus production is expanding rapidly compared to conventional produce. At the same time, it is a challenging production system. The European project BIOFRUITNET has developed an online-course covering citrus fruit with the aim to reach a wide range of learners with the most recent knowledge of best plant protection practices in citrus orchards. The course is articulated in three parts, addressing strategies for pest control, emerging phytosanitary risks and functional biodiversity.

Day 1: 11th October, 10:00-11:00

Strategies for pest control in organic citrus orchards (Avosani - IAMB, Italy)

  • Strategies for managing pests of citrus in the framework of organic agriculture, with a focus on major pests and discussion of trade-offs in a transdisciplinary approach.

Day 2: 12th October, 11:00-12:00

Emerging phytosanitary risks to organic citriculture in the EU-Mediterranean area (K. Djelouah - IAMB, Italy)

  • New harmful organisms in organic citriculture in the Euro-Mediterranean area may become invasive and more harmful in favourable climate change and the absence of adequate control strategies.

Day 3: 13th October from 11:00-12:00

Functional biodiversity in organic citrus orchard (V. Verrastro - IAMB, Italy)

  • Main factors influencing the agroecosystem of the organic citrus farm, a list of different strategies/methods will be illustrated according to a complementary approach, including pest control and soil fertility.

Further information:



