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Veterinary medicine

Veterinary medicine

Disease prevention through balanced agroecosystems is prioritised in organic animal husbandry; this is achieved through appropriate housing, health, welfare, and nutrition. However, disease incidence remains and must be treated appropriately to maintain individual and herd health and welfare.

In organic farming, preference is to be given to treating sick animals using complementary veterinary practices (e.g. phytotherapy or homoeopathy). Chemically synthesised veterinary medication is to be reduced to a minimum and should only be resorted to in emergencies.

Here you find tools related to these complementary veterinary treatments.


TitleIssuing organisationProjectYear of releaseRating
Bio-étagères – Virtual "shelves"ABioDoc - French Documentation Centre specialised...2021
Biobase - the most important french document archive specialised in organic...ABioDoc - French Documentation Centre specialised...2021
Controlling endoparasites in laying hensFiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureOK-Net EcoFeed20184 (1)
Duddingtonia flagrans: biocontrol fungus for reducing the use of anthelmintics...FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture2022
EBENE application for poultry welfare self-assessment by farmersITAVI - Institut Technique de l'Aviculture , ILVO - Flanders Research Institute for... , IFIP - Institut du Porc , INRAE - National Research Institute for... , JUNIA , Utrecht University20185 (4)
Essential oil trials on-farm: an alternative treatment for mastitis (RELACS...FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture , IFOAM Organics EuropeRELACS2022
Faecal egg counts to improve worm control in organic sheep farming (RELACS...FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture , IFOAM Organics Europe , SRUC - Scotland's Rural College , Soil Association Certification , Soil Association ScotlandRELACS2020
FiBL Collaboration podcastFiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture2023
FiBL Focus podcastFiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture20204.5 (6)
Hygiene management in organic pig husbandry (FiBL Factsheet)FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture , Bioland Beratung , KÖN - Kompetenzzentrum Ökolandbau Niedersachsen , Bio AustriaOK-Net EcoFeed2011
Improving veterinarian’s knowledge of animal husbandry in organic agriculture in...FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture2023
Phytotherapy – A strategy to reduce antimicrobials use (ROADMAP practice...FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture2023
Pig health bookletWUR - Wageningen University & Research2022
PIGLOW application for animal welfare self-assessment by farmersILVO - Flanders Research Institute for... , IFIP - Institut du Porc , INRAE - National Research Institute for... , ITAVI - Institut Technique de l'Aviculture , JUNIA , Utrecht University20205 (8)
Promoting range use in broiler chickens (FreeBirds Practice Abstract)SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural SciencesFreeBirds , CORE Organic Cofund2021
Thematic newsletters from AbiodocABioDoc - French Documentation Centre specialised...2021

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