Farm visit: On farm feeding for organic broilers

In September 2018, members of the European funded OK-Net EcoFeed project visited Marc Pousin’s farm in Saint-Pierre-des-Échaubrognes near Angers, France.

Logo Vollaies Bio

This farm provides 100% organic, local feed for its broilers. OK-Net EcoFeed had the chance to visit and learn from the mixed farm (crops, cattle, sheep and different poultry species), the founder of the Volailles Bio de l’Ouest (West Organic Poultry Coop) cooperation. The farm has three free range areas with two buildings each and a small on-farm feed “factory”.

The feed composition is settled together with Aliments Mercier, a French organic feed company, providing local supplying strategies. The feedstuff composition of the farm is the following: 25% is self-made on the farm, 50% is bought in from a neighbour (50–100 km) and 25% mixed protein/minerals are bought to Mercier Aliments and formulated to be adapted with the farmers feedstuff.

The visit to the farm was part of the Horizon 2020 project, OK-Net EcoFeed. The project had its second project meeting in Angers, France, on 24-26 September 2018, where two other parallel visits took place.


  • Ambra De Simone, IFOAM EU and coordintor of OK-Net EcoFeed

