Happy World Soil Day!

World Soil Day reminds us the importance of healthy soils and advocates for the sustainable management of soil resources - a few of the cornerstones of organic agriculture!

Wheat sprouts, October 2014, Thomas Alfoeldi, FiBL

'Keep soil alive, protect soil biodiversity' is this years World Soil Day slogan! Here at Organic Farm Knowledge we aim to provide practical tools which promote sustainable agricultural practices. Soil is rich with life, with complex communities playing and important role in agroecosystem functions. Organic agricultural practices aim to protect and improve soil biodiversity and capture the benefits. This is done by providing a rich supply of organic matter, diverse habitats through crop rotations and intercropping and refraining from soil disturbing management practices.

To celebrate World Soil Day, we would like to draw your attention to our Soil quality and fertility theme which feature around 130 tools!!

Here we highlight some interesting soil-related tools, according to topic and language:

Simply click on the tool name in the list above to directly enter the tool! Using the Disqus chat function, at the bottom of a tool, you can make comments and rate the tool. We love to have your feedback!

We have been working hard to expand the platforms themes and therefore increase its capacity for a diversity of useful tools. Included in this restructuring, 'Soil' will now be its own theme with three subthemes:

  1. Soil quality
  2. Soil biology, and 
  3. Soil management

We look forward to including many more tools which will enable land users to protect and enahnce their soil in the very near future, stay tuned!

Further information



