
The Horizon Europe project OrganicClimateNET is a pilot network of organic farming actors contributing to the uptake of climate farming and its co-benefits for a carbon neutral and climate resilient Europe. The project aims to directly provide valuable insights for the development of effective climate policies, effectively contributing to the EU target of elevating organic farming to 25% by 2030.

The primary objective of the pilot network is to establish a starting point for future uptake of carbon farming practices in the organic and other farming sectors across Europe. At the core of this initiative lies the emphasis on peer-to-peer learning and knowledge exchange between farms and across countries. Facilitated by trained advisors, the 250 farms across 14 countries will be enabled to perform carbon assessments, develop individual carbon farming strategies, and explore how they can capitalize on their work. An emphasis lies on cross-national learning, especially from countries with well-established organic sectors and those where organic farming is less developed will drive exchange.

Over 120 climate and carbon knowledge materials will be created, translated, and adapted for carbon farming in the organic sector. These resources will be consolidated into a decision support toolbox, accessible via the Organic Farm Knowledge platform.

More information

Project coordination

Felix Harrer, FiBL Switzerland, felix.harrer(at)

Audry Maulana, FiBL Europe, audry.maulana(at)

Project duration

February 2024 to February 2028

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