
Testing Organic Farm Knowledge

During the test, please note anything you consider difficult or inconvenient to find, use or understand, as well as any other comments you may have.

View and discuss a tool

On the homepage, scroll down to the "featured tools" section.

  • Check the recommended tool by clicking "More"
  • You can read the tool synopsis including "Problem", "Solution" and "Description"
  • Look if there are comments on Disqus  (at the bottom of the page) or on Twitter or Facebook (see right margin for social media links if available). If relevant, give a reply to the comment
  • Go back to the front page by clicking "Back"
  • Check the latest tool by clicking "More"
  • Open the tool (pdf, video) or see more about the tool on Organic Eprints
  • Return to the homepage after investigating each tool. To do so, click "Home" at the top or use the back button.

Select and browse tools by theme

Currently, we have three themes: "Crop production", "Animal husbandry" and "Seeds and breeding".
There are two ways to select and browse the theme pages.

  1. From the homepage: Scroll down to the themes which are located above "News" and "Events", or
  2. At the top of the homepage, locate the menu bar and click on “Themes & discussion”

Click on one of the themes, such as “crop production”, and then the subthemes will appear directly below as thumbnails (e.g., "arable crops", "soil quality and fertility", etc.). Select a subtheme of interest and then click on the subthemes thumbnail to browse associated tools.

  • Click on "more" for either "Recommended", "Latest" or "Most popular" tool, or
  • Click on the title of any of the tools shown in the listed tools further down on the page. 
  • You can sort the list alphabetically by title, by issuing organisation, by project, by year of release or by user rating.
  • Have a look at the tool you open and give it a rating in the green box on the right of the screen and if relevant, a comment.

Find tool by searching the toolbox

Click on "Search toolbox" on the menu bar (top of page).
Think of a specific topic for which you are looking for information (please note that so far tools only on arable cropping, feeding of monogastrics and seeds and breeding are available).
Filter your search according to:

  • Language
  • Type
  • Theme
  • Year
  • Country of origin
  • Keywords
  • Project
  • Organisation

Click "Search" (bottom right of the search box), or "Reset search" (bottom left) to start over.

The search results will be featured directly below the search box as a list. Choose a tool by clicking on the title. The access the original/full version of the tool by clicking "PDF download". Give it a rating and a comment.

If you have any questions or challenges regarding the platform, please contact organic-farmknowledge(at)
