Legumes Translated videos on organic soya available

Six videos explain the many aspects of growing organic soybeans

The project Legumes Translated has published six videos covering a wide range of topics relating the sowing, inoculation, machinery, seeding rate and quality of soybeans. The videos were produced by Legumes Translated partners, Donau Soja, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, LTZ Augustenberg, as well as a fellow Germany Soybean Association (Soja Foerderring) member, Taifun-Tofu GmbH. 

The first video 'Machine demonstration: Mechanical weeding in soy' demonstrates various machines for their use in mechanical weed control of soybeans. The second, 'On farm soya toasting' shows the processing of soybeans on the farm of Johannes Edhofer, in Sankt Pöllten, Austria. In the third video, ‘Mechanical weed control in soya’ experts explain what must be considered in weed control when sowing your soya crop. The fourth Legumes Translated video, 'Soya: in the course of a year', takes us from seed to harvest through germination, flowering, grain filling, ripening, and maturation. In 'Sowing of soybeans', experts explain what needs to be considered when sowing soybeans, provide practical tips on machinery, sowing distances, ways to avoid weeds and more. 'Threshing soya properly', the sixth video, experienced German cultivation consultants explain the details of harvesting soya, covering the time of harvesting to the required settings for the combine harvester as well as, machine operation.

All videos are available in German with English subtitles. Other language subtitling, like French, Russian, Serbian and others, are being created to enable further reach of these videos. All six videos are available on the projects YouTube channel, linked below. Watch the videos, share them, and spread the knowledge on how to grow a successful organic soybean crop!

More information


Leopold Rittler, Donau Soja: rittler(at)donausoja.org

Jürgen Recknagel, Leader Transition Network Soy, Secretary Actor Group German Soybean Association, juergen.recknagel(at)ltz.bwl.de



Legumestranslated.eu: homepage

Donausoja.org: homepage

Fibl.org: homepage

Ltz.landwirtschaft-bw.de: homepage

Sojafoerderring.de: homepage

Taifun-tofu.de: homepage

Facebook.com: Legumes Translated page

Twitter.com: Legumes Translated page

