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Pest and disease control

Pest and disease control

The use of plant protection products is restricted in organic farming, so controlling pests and diseases by prevention is the best way to deal with them. Using resistant varieties, mixtures of varieties or species and healthy seed are all ways to take preventative action. Designing crop rotations that break up the pest or disease development cycle is another. You can also adapt your crop cultivation techniques and timings to avoid difficulties. Lastly, cultivating biodiversity in and around fields benefits the natural enemies of pests, and so may help to control them. When planning crop rotations you should take into account the fact that although diseases are a common cause of yield loss in many arable crop species, severe problems with pests are mostly limited to rapeseed and potato crops.

On this page, you can find tools and resources that can help you design a robust management plan for pest and disease control, and you can discuss the topic with others.

Featured tools

Grafting tomato to increase seed production (BRESOV Practice Abstract)Most popular tool

Grafting tomato to increase seed production (BRESOV Practice Abstract)

Grafting means to combine the positive characteristics of a rootstock (e.g., increased vigour, resistances to soil-borne diseases) with the positive…

Row crop cultivation - Cover crop nitrogen fixation and effect on yieldLatest tool

Row crop cultivation - Cover crop nitrogen fixation and effect on yield

Row cropping in cereals with nitrogen-fixing cover crops can improve nitrogen supply in the crop rotation, while while reducing nitrogen leaching. It…



TitleIssuing organisationProjectYear of releaseRating
(Bio)solarisation: Advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet)Best4Soil , IFAPA , AgroscopeBEST4Soil2020
(Bio)solarisation: Advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Video)Best4Soil , IFAPA , AgroscopeBEST4Soil2020
(Bio)solarisation: practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet)Best4Soil , IFAPA , AgroscopeBEST4Soil20205 (3)
(Bio)solarisation: practical information (Best4Soil Video)IFAPA , AgroscopeBEST4Soil2020
A basket of options to control worms in organic sheep production systems (RELACS...FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture , IFOAM Organics Europe , SRUC - Scotland's Rural College20225 (1)
Advanced system in wheat: Combination of agronomical levels: The French...PUREOK-Net Arable-5 (1)
Advantages and disadvantages of weed control in tree rows using soil coverage...HortiAdviceBiofruitnet2023
Aerated compost tea (ACT) to improve soil biology and to act as a...ORC - Organic Research CentreOK-Net Arable20174.8 (5)
Agroforestry: Combining fruit production and poultry farming (BIOFRUITNET Video)INRAE - National Research Institute for...Biofruitnet20224.5 (2)
Agrometeo: decision support tool for pest prognosis and risk assessmentAgroscopeOK-Net Arable-
Agronomical practices to reduce the risk of Rosy apple aphid (Dysaphis...IO-PIB - National Institute of Horticultural...Biofruitnet20225 (1)
Alternate mowing in organic orchards as a biodiversity enhancement measure...FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer ObstbauBiofruitnet2022
Anaerobic soil disinfestation (ASD): Advantages and disadvantage (Best4Soil...WUR - Wageningen University & ResearchBEST4Soil2020
Anaerobic soil disinfestation (ASD): Advantages and disadvantage (Best4Soil...WUR - Wageningen University & ResearchBEST4Soil2020
Anaerobic soil disinfestation (ASD): Practical Information (Best4Soil Factsheet)WUR - Wageningen University & ResearchBEST4Soil20204 (1)
Anaerobic soil disinfestation (ASD): Practical Information (Best4Soil Video)WUR - Wageningen University & ResearchBEST4Soil2019
ANATIS the new weeding robot from CarréFiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture2019
Apple blossom weevil: Offering alternative shelters (BIOFRUITNET Practice...DelphyBiofruitnet2023
Apple sawfly (Hoplocampa testudinea): Catch that fly (BIOFRUITNET Practice...DelphyBiofruitnet2022
Apple scab (Venturia inaequalis): control strategies for organic pome fruit...Laimburg Research CentreBiofruitnet2022
Apple scab (Venturia inaequalis): Control strategy for organic pome production...Laimburg Research CentreBiofruitnet2022
Apple scab (Venturia inaequalis): Direct control using decision support systems...FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureBiofruitnet2022
Apple scab (Venturia inaequalis): Preventive measures in organic pome fruit...FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer ObstbauBiofruitnet2022
Apple scab (Venturia inaequalis): Robust cultivars for Central Europe...FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer ObstbauBiofruitnet2022
Apple scab: Robust cultivars for Northern Europe (Biofruitnet Practice Abstract)HortiAdviceBiofruitnet2022
Apple varieties suitable for organic cultivation in Estonia (BIOFRUITNET...Association of Latvian Organic AgricultureBiofruitnet2022
Apple varieties suitable for organic cultivation in Latvia (BIOFRUITNET Practice...Association of Latvian Organic AgricultureBiofruitnet20224.3 (4)
Apple varieties suitable for organic cultivation in Lithuania (BIOFRUITNET...Association of Latvian Organic AgricultureBiofruitnet2022
Application of acetic acid as a seed treatment in organic cereal seed (Liveseed...Agrologica2020
Atlas of agricultural entomology - a knowledge base of pest insectsRivista di AgrariaOK-Net Arable-3.5 (2)
Avoid drift onto organic parcelsFiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture2021
Bamboo and deadwood: Get them out! Preventive measures to reduce codling moth in...FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer ObstbauBiofruitnet2023
Beneficial insects in organic agriculture: citrus little helpersCIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of...Biofruitnet2022
Beneficial nematodes against codling moth in organic apple production...FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer ObstbauBiofruitnet2023
Bio-étagères – Virtual "shelves"ABioDoc - French Documentation Centre specialised...2021
Biobase - the most important french document archive specialised in organic...ABioDoc - French Documentation Centre specialised...2021
Biocontrol in organic citrus groves: Aonidiella aurantii/Aphytis and Planococcus...CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of...Biofruitnet2023
BIOFRUITNET podcast (five episodes)FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureBiofruitnet2023
Biofumigation: Practical information, advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil...Best4Soil , Agroscope , IFAPABEST4Soil2020
Biofumigation: Practical information, advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil...Best4Soil , Agroscope , IFAPABEST4Soil2020
Biological control against the new invasive Mealy-bug Delottococcus aberiae...Ecovalia - Asociación Valor EcológicoBiofruitnet2022
Biological control of Tuta absoluta (Tomato leaf miner) with Necremnus tutae in...FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture , COEXPHAL - Asociación de Organizaciones de...20204 (1)
Black bean aphid control in organic bean (Bresov Practice Abstract)VRDS - Vegetable Research and Development Station...2022
Breeding natural enemies – successful farmers´ experiences (BIOFRUITNET Practice...Ecovalia - Asociación Valor EcológicoBiofruitnet2022
Bunt management (Liveseed video)ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic... , Agrologica2020
Bunt treatment methods (Tilletia caries) (Liveseed video)ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic... , Agrologica2020
Calculate the risk of wireworm infestation in the field (OK-Net Arable Practice...FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureOK-Net Arable20172 (1)
Catching the European apple sawfly (Hoplocampa testudinea) with adhesive tape...FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureBiofruitnet20225 (1)
Cereal Disease EncyclopaediaAHDB - Agriculture and Horticulture Development...OK-Net Arable2008
Challenges of Organic Arable Farming - 3rd module: Monitoring, preventive and...CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of...OK-Net Arable2017
Challenges of Organic Arable Farming - 4th module: Technical tools, strategies...CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of...OK-Net Arable2017
Challenges of Organic Arable Farming - 5th module: Crops specific problems and...CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of...OK-Net Arable2017
Challenges of Organic Arable Farming - 6th module: Recovery and final synthesisCIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of...OK-Net Arable2017
Choosing cover crops for arable crop rotations (OK-Net Arable Practice abstract)ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and FoodOK-Net Arable20185 (1)
Codling moth (Cydia pomonella) – Control methods in organic fruit growing...Laimburg Research CentreBiofruitnet2022
Codling moth (Cydia pomonella): Control methods in organic fruit production...Laimburg Research CentreBiofruitnet20223 (1)
Codling moth prevention: Preserve antagonists in organic apple and pear orchards...GRAB - Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture...Biofruitnet2022
Compost for planting - Against Rhizoctonia root rot disease in potatoesFiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture , University of Kassel2020
Compost tea: innovative management of organic sweet cherry orchards and organic...CREA - Research Centre for Agriculture and...2023
Conserve and enhance beneficials in organic vineyards (BioVine Practice...Agroscope , KIS - Agricultural Institute of Slovenia , SCV - Research Station for Viticulture and EnologyBioVine20204 (1)
Control methods against the whitefly Dialeurodes citri in organic citrus...Ecovalia - Asociación Valor EcológicoBiofruitnet2023
Control methods in organic citrus against the new invasive Mealybug...Ecovalia - Asociación Valor EcológicoBiofruitnet2022
Control of Aphis gossypii in organic citrus orchards (BIOFRUITNET Practice...CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of...Biofruitnet2022
Control of foliar pathogens in organic viticulture (BIOVINE Practice Abstract)Università Cattolica del Sacro CuoreBioVine2020
Control of Mediterranean fruit flies in organic citrus orchards (BIOFRUITNET...CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of...Biofruitnet2022
Control of Neofabraea spp. in organic fruit production (BIOFRUITNET Practice...Laimburg Research CentreBiofruitnet2023
Control of pear leaf blister moth in organic fruit production (BIOFRUITNET...FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer ObstbauBiofruitnet2022
Control of summer fruit tortrix (Leafrollers) (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract)HortiAdviceBiofruitnet2023
Control of wireworms in organic potato cultivationFiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureOK-Net Arable20163 (3)
Controlling Common blight in organic bean (Bresov Practice Abstract)VRDS - Vegetable Research and Development Station...2022
Controlling endoparasites in laying hensFiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureOK-Net EcoFeed20184 (1)
Controlling potato beetles with Bt (OK-Net Arable Practice abstract)FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureOK-Net Arable20174 (1)
Copper reduction strategies in tomato production (RELACS Practice Abstract)FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture , IFOAM Organics Europe , ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic...2022
Copper reduction strategies in viticulture (RELACS Practice abstract)FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture , IFOAM Organics Europe , ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic...RELACS20214 (1)
Cover crop mulches and no-till soybean (OK-Net Arable Practice abstract)AIAB - Associazione Italiana Agricoltura BiologicaOK-Net Arable2017
Cover crops for pest control in Mediterranean citrus orchards (BIOFRUITNET...Ecovalia - Asociación Valor EcológicoBiofruitnet2022
Covering as a preventive measure in organic stone fruit production (BIOFRUITNET...FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureBiofruitnet2023
Crop Management of Rapeseed and Pollen Beetle ControlFiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureOK-Net Arable20164 (1)
Crop rotation and its ability to suppress perennial weeds (OK-Net Arable...SEGES20173.3 (3)
Crop rotation: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet)Best4Soil , Delphy , IFAPA , SEGES , Agroscope , WUR - Wageningen University & Research , P. H. Petersen Saatzucht LundsgaardBEST4Soil2020
Crop rotation: Practical information (Best4Soil Video)Best4Soil , Delphy , IFAPA , SEGES , Agroscope , WUR - Wageningen University & Research , P. H. Petersen Saatzucht LundsgaardBEST4Soil2020
Crop rotations on diversified farmsSouthern Regional Extension ForestryOK-Net Arable2013
Croprotect (App)RES - Rothamsted ResearchOK-Net Arable2015
Cultivating a diverse wheat population suitable for low-input and organic...ORC - Organic Research CentreOK-Net Arable20175 (2)
Database for ecological pest managementNCAT - National Center for Appropriate TechnologyOK-Net Arable19974 (2)
Database of nematodes (Best4Soil)WUR - Wageningen University & ResearchBEST4Soil2020
Database of soilborne pathogens of arable and horticultural crops (Best4Soil)Best4SoilBEST4Soil20205 (2)
Decision support systems to improve direct control methods of codling moth...FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer ObstbauBiofruitnet2023
Decision support systems to optimise the efficacy of novel copper alternatives...FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture , IFOAM Organics Europe , Fondazione Edmund Mach2022
Description of biological control agents and agroenvironmental measures for...AgEngPol - Agroengineering for sustainable...OK-Net Arable2009
Determine compost quality using the cress tests (OK-Net Arable Practice...FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureOK-Net Arable20181 (1)
Direct control of sooty blotch in organic pome fruit production (BIOFRUITNET...FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureBiofruitnet2023
Direct regulation of the black cherry aphid in organic table cherry production...FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureBiofruitnet2022
Diverse fertility building leys in arable rotations (OK-Net Arable Practice...ORC - Organic Research CentreOK-Net Arable20173.5 (2)
Drosophila suzukii control: Intervention in organic stone fruit orchards...FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureBiofruitnet2022
Drosophila suzukii control: Preventive measures in organic stone fruit orchards...FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureBiofruitnet2022
Earthworms: architects of fertile soils (FiBL Technical Guide)FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureOK-Net Arable20223.6 (11)
Earwigs’ damage on stone fruits: how to control them (BIOFRUITNET Practice...GRAB - Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture...Biofruitnet2022
EBENE application for poultry welfare self-assessment by farmersITAVI - Institut Technique de l'Aviculture , ILVO - Flanders Research Institute for... , IFIP - Institut du Porc , INRAE - National Research Institute for... , JUNIA , Utrecht University20185 (4)
Ecological plant protection options for grapes, complemented by our experiments...ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic...RELACS2021
ECOPHYTOPIC – The portal for integrated crop protection of arable cropsACTA - Les Instituts Techniques AgricolesOK-Net Arable-3.3 (3)
Electrical weed control - The ElectroHerb from ZassoFiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture , Chambre régionale d'agriculture Grand Est2020
Encyclopaedia of pests and natural enemies in field cropsAHDB - Agriculture and Horticulture Development...OK-Net Arable2014
Enhancing biodiversity with "Anchor plants" in organic orchards (BIOFRUITNET...FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer ObstbauBiofruitnet2022
European canker (Neonectria ditissima): Direct control with lime water...DelphyBiofruitnet2023
FiBL Collaboration podcastFiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture2023
FiBL Focus podcastFiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture20204.5 (6)
Field trials for treatments against Tilletia caries (Liveseed video)AGES - Austrian Agency for Health and Food SafetyLiveseed2020
Flower strips: a tool for pest control in greenhouses (Greenresilient Factsheet)GRAB - Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture...GreenResilient2021
Flower strips: a tool for pest control in greenhouses (Greenresilient Practice...GRAB - Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture...GreenResilient2021
Fruit growing: Control of harmful insects with vibration - biotremology...CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of...Biofruitnet2022
Functional biodiversity: Mediterranean plants to improve natural enemies in...Ecovalia - Asociación Valor EcológicoBiofruitnet2022
FusaProg: risk assessment of fusarium and mycotoxin infestation in wheat...AgroscopeOK-Net Arable20133 (1)
Grafting tomato to increase seed production (BRESOV Practice Abstract)Euroseeds20225 (1)
Grain cleaning (Liveseed video)ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic...Liveseed2020
Guidelines for growing organic apple and pearØkologisk VKST2020
Harrow with electronic depth control (with Paul Treffler)FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture2018
Healthy citrus propagative material to avoid the introduction of transboundary...CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of...Biofruitnet2022
Hedges as a valuable component of biodiversity enhancement in organic orchards...FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer ObstbauBiofruitnet2022
How to check whether a Rhizobium-based formulation actually increases the...Euroseeds2022
How to control Adoxophyes orana in organic apple production: decision making,...FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer ObstbauBiofruitnet2023
How to control black cherry aphid (Myzus cerasi) using open beneficial insect...FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureBiofruitnet2022
How to deal with European canker (Neonectria ditissima) in organic orchards...DelphyBiofruitnet2023
How to identify potato cultivars which are resistant to late blight? (Liveseed...IFOAM Organics EuropeLiveseed2020
How to introduce predatory mites into fruit plantations (Biofruitnet video)VSUO - Research and Breeding Institute of Pomology...Biofruitnet2022
How to keep your snap bean varieties? (Bresov Practice Abstract)Serida - Regional Agrifood Research and...2022
How to minimise damage by aphids in organic faba bean production? (Liveseed...IFOAM Organics EuropeLiveseed2020
How to set a pitfall trap to assess spiders and predatory beetles...CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and...GreenResilient2019
How to successfully convert to organic arable farmingLFI - Ländliches Fortbildungsinstitut ÖsterreichOK-Net Arable20175 (3)
Hygiene management in organic pig husbandry (FiBL Factsheet)FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture , Bioland Beratung , KÖN - Kompetenzzentrum Ökolandbau Niedersachsen , Bio AustriaOK-Net EcoFeed2011
Increase plant health through mycorrhizal fungi (BIOVINE Practice Abstract)INRAE - National Research Institute for...BioVine2020
Increasing crop diversification with flower strips to improve natural pest...IUGN - Institute of Soil Science and Plant... , ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic...Diverimpacts2021
Increasing functional biodiversity in the orchard with hedges, nesting boxes and...GRAB - Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture...Biofruitnet2022
Indirect regulation of aphids in organic stone fruit orchards with natural...FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureBiofruitnet2022
InflowebTerres Inovia2017
Innovative products for orange spiny whitefly control in organic citrus orchards...CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of...Biofruitnet2022
Inoculation of soya seed (Legumes Translated Video)Taifun-Tofu , LZ SojaLegumes Translated2020
Insect boxes in organic orchards: Caution on ready-to-use solutions!...FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer ObstbauBiofruitnet2022
Integration of high-perennial fringes along edge structures in organic orchards...FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer ObstbauBiofruitnet2022
Inter-row cultivation for mechanical weed control in winter oilseed rapePUREOK-Net Arable-
Introducing predatory mites into fruit orchards (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract)VSUO - Research and Breeding Institute of Pomology...Biofruitnet2022
Knowledge exchange platform for agroecologySOLAGROOK-Net Arable-3.2 (6)
Larch extract as an alternative to reduce copper use in grapevines (RELACS...FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture , IFOAM Organics Europe2022
Late blight on potatoes in organic farming - prognosis (Öko-SIMPHYT)ISIP - Informationssystem Integrierte...OK-Net Arable2010
Legume fatigue - Background, measures and instructions for soil testingFiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture2023
Liquorice extract as an alternative to reduce copper use in grapevines (RELACS...FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture , IFOAM Organics Europe , Julius Kühn-Institut2022
List of varieties suited for organic table apple production in Central Europe...FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureBiofruitnet2023
Living mulch in vegetablesAIAB - Associazione Italiana Agricoltura BiologicaOK-Net Arable2015
Machine demonstration - Destroying an alfalfa crop without plough and herbicidesFiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture2018
Management strategies for the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB) (BIOFRUITNET...FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureBiofruitnet2023
Mating Disruption: Key element of a successful building block strategy against...FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer ObstbauBiofruitnet2023
Measures to control codling moth (Cydia pomonella) in organic pear production...DelphyBiofruitnet2023
Mechanical weed control - Demonstration of 10 harrows and hoeing machinesFiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture , Inagro2020
Mechanical weed control in organic orchards: Gyroscopic crumblers (BIOFRUITNET...FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer ObstbauBiofruitnet2023
Mechanical weed control in organic orchards: Roll hoes (BIOFRUITNET Practice...FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer ObstbauBiofruitnet2023
Mechanical weed control in soybeans (Legumes Translated Video)Taifun-TofuLegumes Translated2020
Microbial antagonists & bca: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet)Best4Soil , Agroscope , TeagascBEST4Soil2020
Microbial antagonists & bca: practical information (Best4Soil Video)Best4Soil , Agroscope , TeagascBEST4Soil2020
Modification/change of sowing date in winter wheatPUREOK-Net Arable2015
Monitoring and mass trapping of cherry fruit flies (Rhagoletis cerasi and R....IO-PIB - National Institute of Horticultural...Biofruitnet2022
Monitoring of major pests of the organic orchard (BIOFRUITNET Video)IO-PIB - National Institute of Horticultural...Biofruitnet2023
Monitoring weed regulation services by carabids (OK-Net Arable Practice...ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and FoodOK-Net Arable20175 (1)
Monitoring, prevention and control of plum moth (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract)VSUO - Research and Breeding Institute of Pomology...Biofruitnet2023
Multi-species summer cover crop in protected vegetable systems (DiverIMPACTS...INRAE - National Research Institute for...Diverimpacts2021
Nest boxes for birds are powerful tools in organic orchards (BIOFRUITNET...GRAB - Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture...Biofruitnet2022
New ways in organic fruit growing: intelligent covers and Guyot training system...FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureBiofruitnet2022
Novel pheromone delivery system to reduce codling moth (Cydia pomonella L.)...IO-PIB - National Institute of Horticultural...Biofruitnet2022
Online determination tool for pestsBLE - Federal Office for Agriculture and FoodOK-Net Arable2017
Orange varieties for organic citrus cultivation in Sicily (BIOFRUITNET Video)CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of...Biofruitnet2023
Organic Arable Farming: Information for farmers considering conversion to...Organic Farmers & Growers2019
Organic cultivation in autumn 2016 - Varieties, Seeds and Crop managementLFI - Ländliches Fortbildungsinstitut ÖsterreichOK-Net Arable2016
Organic Cultivation of Green PeasLFI - Ländliches Fortbildungsinstitut ÖsterreichOK-Net Arable2016
Organic farming Guidelines for pest and disease control and weed management in...Uprawy ekologiczneOK-Net Arable-4 (3)
Organic farming: Basic principles and good practicesFiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture2021
Organic fertilisation of young apple orchards (DOMINO Practice Abstract)Laimburg Research CentreDomino , CORE Organic Cofund2021
Organic Field Crop ProductionOACC - Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada,...OK-Net Arable-
Organic fruit production: Citrus (BIOFRUITNET e-learning course)KU - University of CopenhagenBiofruitnet2023
Organic fruit production: Pome (BIOFRUITNET e-learning course)KU - University of CopenhagenBiofruitnet2023
Organic fruit production: Stone (BIOFRUITNET e-learning course)KU - University of CopenhagenBiofruitnet2023
Organic plant-protection: Direct regulation of the black cherry aphid...FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureBiofruitnet2022
Organic quality wheat production - Results of long-term field trials of...LFI - Ländliches Fortbildungsinstitut ÖsterreichOK-Net Arable2016
Organic Small Grain ProductionSouthern Regional Extension ForestryOK-Net Arable2011
Organic Weed Management: A Practical GuideCharles MerfieldOK-Net Arable2000
Participatory apple breeding - breeding new varieties on organic fruit farms...ÖON - Öko-Obstbau NorddeutschlandBiofruitnet2022
Pear blossom blast and dieback (Pseudomonas syringae) (BIOFRUITNET Practice...DelphyBiofruitnet2023
Pear gall midge (Contarinia pyrivora), too small to see (BIOFRUITNET Practice...DelphyBiofruitnet2023
Pear sawfly (Hoplocampa brevis): Catch that fly (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract)DelphyBiofruitnet2022
Perennial flower strips – a tool for improving pest control in fruit orchardsFiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture2018
Pest and Disease Control in Grass and Forage CropsFarming ConnectOK-Net Arable2013
Pest control in citrus - Plant protection products and natural enemies...La Vall de la CasellaBiofruitnet20224 (1)
Pest control in organic herb cultivationFiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture2020
Pest Management in Organic Cropping SystemsOACC - Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada,...OK-Net Arable-
Pest Management in Organic Production SystemsSouthern Regional Extension ForestryOK-Net Arable2011
Physical protection barriers to reduce fungal and pest damages (DOMINO Practice...Laimburg Research CentreDomino , CORE Organic Cofund20211 (1)
PIGLOW application for animal welfare self-assessment by farmersILVO - Flanders Research Institute for... , IFIP - Institut du Porc , INRAE - National Research Institute for... , ITAVI - Institut Technique de l'Aviculture , JUNIA , Utrecht University20205 (8)
Plant health care in organic farmingIFOAM Organics Europe2020
Plant protection in organic farmingEkogwarancja PTREOK-Net Arable2008
Plant protection in organic ornamental plant production (FiBL Factsheet)FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture , Bioland Beratung , Landwirtschaftskammer Nordrhein-Westfalen , LVG - Staatliche Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt für den...2020
Potato Crop Managementn(FiBL Technical Guide)FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureOK-Net Arable2010
Practical information for soil health (Best4Soil Factsheet)Best4Soil , DelphyBEST4Soil2020
Practical information for soil health (Best4Soil Video)Best4Soil , DelphyBEST4Soil2020
Pre-sprouting of potato seed tubers (Liveseed Practice Abstract)AREI - Institute of Agricultural Resources and...Liveseed2020
Preventive and indirect measures to regulate woolly apple aphid in organic...FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer ObstbauBiofruitnet2022
Producing seeds organically: Basic techniquesFNAMS - Fédération Nationale des Agriculteurs... , ITAB - Institut Technique en Agriculture...2021
Production of beneficial insects in the Ramacca Biofactory for Biocontrol in...CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of...Biofruitnet2023
Professional guide for organic arable farmersICROFS - International Centre for Research in...2021
Promoting range use in broiler chickens (FreeBirds Practice Abstract)SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural SciencesFreeBirds , CORE Organic Cofund2021
Proper seed storage (Liveseed Practice abstract)WUR - Wageningen University & ResearchLiveseed2020
Rape pollen beetleFiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureOK-Net Arable20144.5 (2)
Rearing of Leptomastix dactylopii for pest control in organic citrus orchards...CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of...Biofruitnet2022
Recycling sprayers in pome fruit growing (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract)FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer ObstbauBiofruitnet2023
Reducing the use of copper in potatoes (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract)FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureOK-Net Arable20175 (1)
Regulating Monilinia laxa in organic apricots (Biofruitnet Video)FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureBiofruitnet2022
Regulation of black rot (Diplodia seriata) in organic apple production...FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer ObstbauBiofruitnet2022
Regulation of sawflies in organic orchards (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract)FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer ObstbauBiofruitnet2022
Results an lessons learnt from field vegetables activity - cabbagePUREOK-Net Arable-
Results and lessons learnt from wheat-based cropping system activityPUREOK-Net Arable-
Rhizobium inoculation for snap bean seed production (Bresov practice abstract)Euroseeds2022
Rolling of grains to prevent winter kill damage (OK-Net Arable Practice...FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureOK-Net Arable20175 (1)
Rootstock and variety selection in organic fruit production (BIOFRUITNET Video)GRAB - Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture...Biofruitnet2022
Rosy apple aphid (Dysaphis plantaginea) management in organic fruit production...Laimburg Research CentreBiofruitnet2022
Rosy apple aphid: Direct control with Neem in organic orchards (Biofruitnet...FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer ObstbauBiofruitnet2022
Rosy apple aphid: Prevent infestation using flower strips (Biofruitnet Practice...HortiAdviceBiofruitnet2022
Rosy apple aphid: Promote natural antagonists against the rosy apple aphid...FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer ObstbauBiofruitnet2022
ROTOR: organic crop rotation plannerZALF - Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape...OK-Net Arable20074.6 (11)
Row crop cultivation - Cover crop nitrogen fixation and effect on yieldSEGES2018
Row crop cultivation - Perennial crops, tolerance and regrowthSEGES2018
Row crop cultivation - Sowing time for cover cropsSEGES2018
Row crop cultivation - Weed control in spring cerealsSEGES2018
Saving and storing tomato seeds (Liveseed Video)UPV - Universitat Politècnia de ValènciaLiveseed2020
Scab prevention: reduction of ascospores through increased decomposition of...DelphyBiofruitnet2022
Soil and Fertility Management in Organic SystemsOACC - Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada,...OK-Net Arable-5 (1)
Soil based seed germination protocol for cauliflower and broccoli (Bresov...Euroseeds22
Soil borne diseases: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet)WUR - Wageningen University & Research , IFAPA - Instituto Andaluz de Investigación y... , AgroscopeBEST4Soil2020
Soil borne diseases: Practical information (Best4Soil Video)WUR - Wageningen University & Research , IFAPA - Instituto Andaluz de Investigación y... , AgroscopeBEST4Soil2020
SolanaceaeRete Semi RuraliLiveseed2009
Sooty mould – Control strategies for organic fruit growing (BIOFRUITNET Video)Laimburg Research CentreBiofruitnet2022
Sort Out Your Soil: A practical guide to green manuresCotswold Seeds Ltd. , Garden OrganicOK-Net Arable-4 (5)
Sowing of soybeans (Legumes Translated Video)Taifun-Tofu , LZ SojaLegumes Translated2020
Species mixtures for lentil production in Germany (ReMIX Practice Abstract)University of Kassel , IFOAM Organics EuropeRemix2020
Strategies to reduce sooty mould infection in organic apple production...Laimburg Research CentreBiofruitnet2023
Strategy to control Little Cherry Disease (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract)VSUO - Research and Breeding Institute of Pomology...Biofruitnet2023
Strategy to control Peach Leaf Curl damage (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract)VSUO - Research and Breeding Institute of Pomology...Biofruitnet20235 (1)
Strategy to control Plum Pox Virus damage (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract)VSUO - Research and Breeding Institute of Pomology...Biofruitnet2023
Strategy to enhance biodiversity in orchards (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract)NaturlandBiofruitnet2022
Suitable European plum cultivars for organic orchards establishment (Biofruitnet...VSUO - Research and Breeding Institute of Pomology...Biofruitnet2022
Susceptibility of apricot cultivars to blossom brown rot (BIOFRUITNET Practice...GRAB - Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture...Biofruitnet2022
Susceptibility of winter wheat cultivars to various isolates of common bunt...AGES - Austrian Agency for Health and Food SafetyLiveseed2021
Sustainable control of the greenhouse whitefly: combining solutions (RELACS...FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture , IFOAM Organics Europe , Fondazione Edmund Mach , CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of...2022
Technical factsheet: Apple blossom weevil in organic farmingGRAB - Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture... , ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food2016
Technical factsheet: Apple sawfly in organic apple productionGRAB - Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture... , ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food2016
Testing soil for legume fatigue (DiverIMPACTS, ReMIX, LIVESEED Practice...FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureDiverimpacts , Liveseed , Remix2021
The main diseases of Solanaceae transmitted by seedsRete Semi RuraliLiveseed2009
The potential of biofumigation to control soil borne pests, pathogens and weeds...ORC - Organic Research CentreDiverimpacts2022
The proper storage of organic seeds and warehouse pest control techniques...ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic...Liveseed2020
Thematic newsletters from AbiodocABioDoc - French Documentation Centre specialised...2021
Tomato: Seed treatment for organic agriculture (BRESOV Practice Abstract)University of Catania2022
Transfer mulch in organic greenhouse crops (Greenresilient Practice abstract)FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureGreenResilient2021
Transfer mulch in organic greenhouses (Greenresilient Factsheet)FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureGreenResilient2021
Transition to organic productionOACC - Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada,...OK-Net Arable-
Treating wheat seed with vinegar against common bunt (Liveseed Practice...Agrologica , ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and FoodLiveseed2021
Use interstems to improve apricot tree health (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract)VSUO - Research and Breeding Institute of Pomology...Biofruitnet2023
Use of Carpovirusine products against codling moth in organic fruit cultivation...FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer ObstbauBiofruitnet2023
Use of rock dust against the rape pollen beetle (OK-Net Arable Practice...FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureOK-Net Arable20174.5 (2)
Use of variety mixtures to reduce disease, increase resource-use efficiency...PUREOK-Net Arable-
Using crop rotation to control wireworms (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract)FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureOK-Net Arable20174 (1)
Using mycorrhizal fungi in fruit growing (Biofruitnet video)VSUO - Research and Breeding Institute of Pomology...Biofruitnet2022
Vibrational signals to control the whitefly in organic greenhouse production...FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureRELACS2021
Vibrations against invasive whiteflies in citrus orchards (RELACS Practice...FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture , IFOAM Organics Europe , Fondazione Edmund Mach , CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of...2022
Vibrations to manipulate pest behaviours: new frontiers in pest controlCIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of...Biofruitnet20224 (1)
Weed control in organic farmingWODR - Wielkopolski Ośrodek Doradztwa Rolniczego w...OK-Net Arable2015
Weed control in organic pome fruit growing: Combining different approaches...FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer ObstbauBiofruitnet2023
Weed control with the robots Dino and Ecorobotix in arable crops - experiences...FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture , Chambre régionale d'agriculture Grand Est20205 (1)
Weed harrowing in spring cerealsPUREOK-Net Arable-
What is special about pear scab (Venturia pirina)? (BIOFRUITNET Practice...DelphyBiofruitnet2022
White lupin breeding - Screening on anthracnose (Liveseed video)FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureLiveseed2020
Wintamines (Greenresilient Factsheet)Horticultural College and Research InstituteGreenResilient2021

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