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This Best4Soil video provides an over of how to make vermicompost, as it requires different…

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Find solutions to the challenges in the organic seed sector with experiences from Hungary.

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Solarisation can enhance the health of the soil for the next crop by reducing the level of harmful…

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Learn from experiences in Spain - preserving traditional varieties.

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This 3 minutes video introduces users to the platforms most important features and is featured on…

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A network of practitioners, for sharing knowledge on prevention and reduction of soil borne…

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November 30 – December 1, 2021 TP Organics annual public event and the only EU event on research &…

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What is limiting the use of organic and new genetically diverse seeds in Spain?

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November 17-19, 2021: Agroecology to regenerate our food systems and communities and enhance…

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16 November from 10:30-12:00 CET, online, learn about how organic agriculture can lead the way to a…

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