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In this video, Bruno Giboudeau explains the method and how the feeding observation can lead to…

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Comprehensive handbook about reduction of piglet mortality, health problems as well as improvement…

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In the video Oscar Lobi presents the autonomous robot and explains how it works and what the…

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What are soil-borne diseases, how to recognize them and why are they important – learn it here. This…

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Oz is used for mechanical weed control and is suited to smaller vegetable producers, managing…

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Planting vegetable seedlings mechanically in a mulch cover with the Mulchtec-Planter.

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This 3 minute video introduces users to the platforms most important features and is featured on our…

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42nd EcoFarm Conference

Register now for the conference from March 9 - 18, 2022, Online + Field days in April and June!

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Soil borne diseases are caused by soil borne pathogens, a group of microorganisms that can cause the…

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Lieven Delanote from Inagro presents machines from various companies. The demonstration illustrates…

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