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It is harvest time for the Best4Soil project. During the online conference on the 16th of February…

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Peas are rich in protein and energy. They complement cereals perfectly for feeding poultry due to…

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Cover crops and green manures are grown with no intention of harvesting their biomass, either partly…

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The use of cover crops and green manures has some potential to strategically prevent soil-borne…

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Separation and weaning of calf and cow should be done step by step and not earlier than 3 months…

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Quality tests, parameters and interpretations: learn it here! Refer also to the factsheet by…

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For the correct and optimal application of a compost, it is therefore most important to determine…

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This CORE Organic Practice Abstract gives practical recommendations for the organic fertilisation of…

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Advantages, along with disadvantages, are outlined in this video. Compost is part of the natural

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The use of compost comes with a broad range of benefits, but also some disadvantages, which should…

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