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Learn about inspiring examples as to how a successful conversion to organic farming can be achieved.

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The control strategy includes preventive measures, netting, indirect and direct control with plant…

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Farmers learn and can adopt lessons learnt directly on their own farms. Farmers feel more confident…

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Sowing perennial flower strips promote rosy apple aphids natural enemies (spiders, predator bugs,…

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Liquorice extract can help to reduce or even replace copper-based products, especially in organic…

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The courses will be held online on 8 November. Covering topics like: Fruit fly control and the…

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This tool provides information about a 2-year rotation, its benefits and practical recommendations.

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The tool offers information on control strategies of the apple scab in organic pome fruit growing.…

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Learn about plant protection measures for autumn and spring to control the black cherry aphid.

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Learn more about functionally species-rich leys in rotations.

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