ecofruit - International Conference on Organic Fruit Growing

Online, 21 to 23 February, 2022 “ecofruit” is the continuation of the nineteen previous meetings with the goal of bringing together European organic fruit researchers, advisors and interested practitioners.

eco fruit logo.

“Ecofruit” the International Conference on Organic Fruit Growing gives the opportunity to communicate and discuss the latest results connected with organic fruit production systems and their improvement, for networking, and starting new co-operations. This is the first time it is organized as online-conference. Thus, this time worldwide contributions regarding organic growing of temperate fruit from all the world are welcome!

Main topics include: stone fruit, small fruit, wild fruit, disease & pest control in pome fruit, fruit quality and storage treatements, soil management, culitvars, crop regulation, sustainability and economics.

Registration is open an linked below. Prices range from EUR 50-100. 

Further information

