Summary of results from OK-Net Ecofeed project

This successful Horizon 2020 funded project, OK-Net Ecofeed contributed significantly to the development of the Organic Farm Knowledge platform. The project came to an end in March 2021, with an impressive list of publications produced by partners across Europe.

Title page of project result document, attached below. Available in English and German.

Title page of project result document, attached below. Available in English and German.

Over the past three years, 19 organisations from 12 European countries have taken part in the Horizon 2020 OK-Net EcoFeed project to help farmers achieve 100% use of organic and regional feed for pigs and poultry. The OK-Net Ecofeed project supported on-farm feed autonomy and helped producers achieve 100% organic rations for monogastric animals. All the project’s work aimed at tackling the organic feed objectives for the coming years, including reducing the cost of feed production, improving sustainability and animal welfare, and satisfying consumer expectation for traceability of production. 

OK-Net EcoFeed’s trials were run by farmers for farmers and designed according to the regional potential and opportunities. More than 100 existing and new tools including reports, technical articles, leaflets, videos, booklets, scientific articles, results of trials and practice abstracts were collected. Project partners in Germany, Bioland, Demeter and Naturland, have compiled particularly relevant results as a PDF document, attched below (in EN and DE). 

Further information


OK-Net Ecofeed compiled project results (PDF):

Links News item on the end of OK-Net EcoFeed project Project website
