Organic Farm Knowledge awarded winner at "Digital Excellence in Agriculture in Europe and Central Asia - Regional Contest"

The contest, organised by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), resulted in seven winners according to categories. Organic Farm Knowledge is proud to be recognised as one of them.

The "Digital Excellence in Agriculture in Europe and Central Asia" contest identified, showcased and celebrated good practices and innovative solutions that advance the digital transformation of agriculture. The Award Ceremony took place on the second day of the ITU Regional Innovation Forum for Europe 2021, which brought together regional stakeholders to share cross-sectoral approaches and adopt new solutions across industries and markets.

Of the approximately 200 practices received through the Call, 28 were selected to compete in the final part of the contest. These final practices were identified under seven categories:

  1. Regulatory frameworks / Enhanced market access / Financial services and insurance
  2. Capacity development and empowerment
  3. Agriculture innovations systems and sustainable farming - Farm automation, robots, drones
  4. Agriculture innovations systems and sustainable farming - Specific solutions
  5. Agriculture innovations systems and sustainable farming - Connected farm management systems
  6. Disaster risk management and early warning systems
  7. Food loss and waste / Food safety and traceability

Organic Farm Knowledge was a finalist in the second category: Capacity development and empowerment which presented initiatives and solutions widening the reach of rural communities, improving access to and knowledge of good agricultural practices, stimulating relevant digital literacy and skills and creating new business opportunities. Organic Farm Knoweldge platform was recognised at the award ceremony on 23 September as the winner of the "Digital Excellence in Agriculture" award within this category. The Awards Ceremony allowed stakeholders to discover how innovative ICT-Based solutions can make financial services more accessible, enhance market access to agriculture products and services, enable capacity development and empowerment, or foster sharing of skills and technical expertise between others - stimulating agripreneurs to bring novel digital solutions to life. 

Additionally, a Stocktaking Report "Digital Excellence in Agriculture in Europe and Central Asia Good practices in the field of digital agriculture" was developed by the ITU Office for Europe. The document presents a summary version of the 171 eligible submissions of good practices and innovative solutions advancing the digital transformation of agriculture in Europe and Central Asia.

On behalf of Organic Farm Knowledge, we want to express our sincere gratitude to the ITU office for Europe for this recognition at the 2021 ITU Regional Innovation Forum for Europe. The event offered deep insights on scaling up innovative digital ecosystems that accelerate the digital transformation in agriculture.

Further information


Recording of the ITU Regional Innovation Forum for Europe 2021: Scaling up innovative digital ecosystems that accelerate digital transformation of key sectors:

