Swiss prize for innovative organic projects

The Grand Prix Bio Suisse is directed at people who have successfully launched an innovative organic project, adapted a machine that simplifies arable farming, successfully launched an innovative product on the market or planted a crop that has not been grown yet in Switzerland.

The Boehler family, the 2018 winners of the Grand Prix Bio Suisse (Photo: Bio Suisse)

This year Bio Suisse, the federation of Swiss organic farmers, will once again be awarding the Grand Prix Bio Suisse. With this prize, the association wants to support people who bring humans, animals and nature into balance through innovative and sustainable services in organic farming and processing. Projects that further anchor organic farming and processing in society have the best chances. Projects that combine tourism and organic farming and promote them can also be submitted for the Grand Prix. The winner will receive 10,000 Swiss francs. Only Bio Suisse members can enter in the competition.

The winners of 2018, Swiss farmer Daniel Böhler and his family, received the prize for cultivating secale multicaule, a perennial form of rye with a great potential for soils (soil structure and organisms), animals (feed and bedding) as well as humans (nutrition). According to the jury, secale multicaule is a great fit for sustainable organic farming and opens up new possibilities for combining arable farming with cattle farming.

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