Tech & Bio Rendezvous - Animal husbandry & breeding

September 9th & 10th, 2020, the fully outdoor event will cover all animal husbandry production systems from cattle to monogastrics.

Tech & Bio Rendezvous event promotion image. Source:

The Tech & Bio 2020 Rendezvous will be held outdoors, featuring more than 100 exhibitors and dozens of technicians and experts to offer concrete answers to animal farmers and breeders problems, in particular through technical workshops, conferences, demonstrations and tours of the farm and barn. All the productions will be represented: cattle, sheep, goats, monogastric, etc. Many partners have been mobilized by the Chambers of Agriculture: consultancy bodies, technical and research institutes, cooperatives, inter-professional unions and many others will be at the Rendezvous.

More than 70 technical workshops, led by technicians and experts, will take place over the two days, on themes like grazing, protein autonomy, animal fees, production systems, herd health, animal husbandry techniques, the well-being of the breeder, organic practices, and farmers' collectives.

Six conferences and a round table will be held at the event. Inventory and prospective will be the key words of the conferences organized during the show on the fodder and food autonomy of the herd, animal health, markets and outlets in the long chain. Organic farming will be at the center of the round table organized on the first day of the show.

Rendezvous details:

  • Dates: September 9 &10, 2020 from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm
  • Place: GAEC in Argirey, 15 minutes from Vesoul in Haute-Saône, France
  • Tickets: Free
  • Registration: Follow the link below

There will be on site parking and several food trucks!

Further information

Links Rendezvous registration page Rendezvous event page

Downloads Download the full program (FR)
