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Results - 197

Title Issuing organisation Project Year of release Rating
Choosing fruit trees for agroforestry GRAB - Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture... , INRAE - National Research Institute for... , RMT AgroforesterieS 2024
BIOFRUITNET podcast (five episodes) FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture Biofruitnet 2023
Climate change: Avocado cultivation instead of citrus fruits in Sicily? -... CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of... Biofruitnet 2023
Cover crops in soil nutrient management in organic orchards (BIOFRUITNET Video) IO-PIB - National Institute of Horticultural... Biofruitnet 2023
Efficient irrigation systems in citrus plantations in Sicily (BIOFRUITNET Video) CREA - Research Centre for Vegetable and... Biofruitnet 2023
FiBL Collaboration podcast FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture 2023
Intercropping in orchards as innovative practice of soil management (BIOFRUITNET... IO-PIB - National Institute of Horticultural... Biofruitnet 2023
Managing the agro-ecosystem in the organic citrus grove: biodiversity and soil... CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of... Biofruitnet 2023
Organic fruit production: Citrus (BIOFRUITNET e-learning course) KU - University of Copenhagen Biofruitnet 2023
Organic fruit production: Pome (BIOFRUITNET e-learning course) KU - University of Copenhagen Biofruitnet 2023
Organic fruit production: Stone (BIOFRUITNET e-learning course) KU - University of Copenhagen Biofruitnet 2023
Organic Hemp - Harvest products products and opportunities FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture 2023
Agroforestry system: combined cultivation of fruit and vegetables (BIOFRUITNET... GRAB - Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture... Biofruitnet 2022
Agroforestry: Combining fruit production and poultry farming (BIOFRUITNET Video) INRAE - National Research Institute for... Biofruitnet 2022 4.5 (2)
Apiculture and honey crops as a diversification of income and crops in small... IUGN - Institute of Soil Science and Plant... , ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic... , LEAF - Linking Environment and Farming Diverimpacts 2022
Building successful value chains for diversified cropping systems, using... ORC - Organic Research Centre , FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture Diverimpacts 2022
Co-designing innovative cropping systems through long-term on-farm experiments... CRA-W - Walloon Agricultural Research Centre Diverimpacts 2022
Cover crop grazing by sheep: successful partnerships between sheep and arable... CRA-W - Walloon Agricultural Research Centre Diverimpacts 2022
Cover crops (living mulches) in the tree row of organic orchards: why and how?... GRAB - Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture... Biofruitnet 2022
Crop growth and nutrient dynamics in intercropping systems using different... AU - Aarhus University SUREVEG , CORE Organic Cofund 2022
Decision support systems to optimise the efficacy of novel copper alternatives... FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture , IFOAM Organics Europe , Fondazione Edmund Mach 2022
Diversification of cereal-based rotations with soybean as a second crop... ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic... Diverimpacts 2022
Establishing summer cover crops before winter cereals in low tillage systems on... Landwirtschaftskammer Niedersachsen Diverimpacts 2022
Fodder trees for organic dairy goats CCBT - Coordination centre for applied research... , Wim Govaerts , Odisee - University of Applied Sciences , Inagro 2022
Growing yellow peas in Wallonia in a pea-wheat intercropping system... Walagri Diverimpacts 2022
Harvest and post-harvest handling of herbs FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture , Caritas Schweiz 2022
Including diverse leys in arable rotations (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract) ORC - Organic Research Centre Diverimpacts 2022
Increasing functional biodiversity in the orchard with hedges, nesting boxes and... GRAB - Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture... Biofruitnet 2022
Producing seeds in organic agriculture: Carrot ITAB - Institut Technique en Agriculture... , FNAMS - Fédération Nationale des Agriculteurs... 2022
Producing seeds in organic agriculture: Coriander FNAMS - Fédération Nationale des Agriculteurs... , ITAB - Institut Technique en Agriculture... 2022
Producing seeds organically: Zucchini/Courgette FNAMS - Fédération Nationale des Agriculteurs... , ITAB - Institut Technique en Agriculture... 2022
Protein extraction from forage legumes (ProRefine Practice Abstract) AU - Aarhus University ProRefine , CORE Organic Cofund 2022
Rapeseed regrowth and white clover cover crop valorisation through sheep grazing... CRA-W - Walloon Agricultural Research Centre Diverimpacts 2022
Rootstock and variety selection in organic fruit production (BIOFRUITNET Video) GRAB - Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture... Biofruitnet 2022
Strategies to produce tomato seeds during regular tomato harvest (BRESOV... FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture 2022
Sustainable control of the greenhouse whitefly: combining solutions (RELACS... FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture , IFOAM Organics Europe , Fondazione Edmund Mach , CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of... 2022
The creation of an intercropping sector (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract) Walagri Diverimpacts 2022
The introduction of strip cropping into the mid-Adriatic region (DiverIMPACTS... CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and... , FIRAB - Fondazione Italiana per la Ricerca in... Diverimpacts 2022
The potential of biofumigation to control soil borne pests, pathogens and weeds... ORC - Organic Research Centre Diverimpacts 2022
Tools for defining a fair price and strengthening crop diversification value... SYTRA - Transition of food systems , Université catholique de Louvain Diverimpacts 2022
Using a partner crop in maize for weed suppression (DiverIMPACTS Practice... WUR - Wageningen University & Research Diverimpacts 2022 5 (1)
Using farm sustainability assessment tools to assess the impacts of... FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture Diverimpacts 2022 5 (1)
2-years rotation, an alternative to maize monocropping in Bearn, France... ARVALIS - Institut du végétal Diverimpacts 2021
Agricology Farming theme: Organic Farming Agricology 2021
Agroecological service crops in Southern European greenhouse (Greenresilient... CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and... GreenResilient 2021
Belowground biodiversity in strip cropping systems (SureVeg practice abstract) CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and... SUREVEG , CORE Organic Cofund 2021
Bio-étagères – Virtual "shelves" ABioDoc - French Documentation Centre specialised... 2021
Biobase - the most important french document archive specialised in organic... ABioDoc - French Documentation Centre specialised... 2021
Biopresse – monthly French bibliographic review on organic agriculture ABioDoc - French Documentation Centre specialised... 2021
Diversified rotations in protected vegetable production systems (DiverIMPACTS... INRAE - National Research Institute for... Diverimpacts 2021
Educational toolkit - strategies for sustainable and robust organic mixed... INRAE - National Research Institute for... , ENSFEA - Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Formation... , IDELE - Institute De L'elevage Mix-Enable 2021
Flower strips: a tool for pest control in greenhouses (Greenresilient Practice... GRAB - Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture... GreenResilient 2021
How to assess weed biodiversity: exploiting weeds' functionality in greenhouses... CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and... GreenResilient 2021
Increasing feed production using legume and cereal mixtures as a second crop... Chambres d’agriculture Pays de la Loire Diverimpacts 2021
Intercropping of grain pea with cereals FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture Legumes Translated 2021
Introducing oats as an energy catch crop in maize monocropping in Bearn, France... ARVALIS - Institut du végétal Diverimpacts 2021
Multi-species livestock farming (MIX-ENABLE Practice Abstract) INRAE - National Research Institute for... , CRA-W - Walloon Agricultural Research Centre , FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture , University BOKU Wien , Thünen-Institut , Tuscia University , SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Mix-Enable , CORE Organic Cofund 2021
Multi-species summer cover crop in protected vegetable systems (DiverIMPACTS... INRAE - National Research Institute for... Diverimpacts 2021
Organic farming: Basic principles and good practices FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture 2021
Physical protection barriers to reduce fungal and pest damages (DOMINO Practice... Laimburg Research Centre Domino , CORE Organic Cofund 2021 1 (1)
Producing seeds organically: Onion FNAMS - Fédération Nationale des Agriculteurs... , ITAB - Institut Technique en Agriculture... 2021
Professional guide for organic arable farmers ICROFS - International Centre for Research in... 2021
Reintroducing hemp cultivation in Mediterranean areas (DiverIMPACTS Practice... CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and... , FIRAB - Fondazione Italiana per la Ricerca in... Diverimpacts 2021
Soil protection and Crop Rotation FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture OK-Net Arable 2021
Testing soil for legume fatigue (DiverIMPACTS, ReMIX, LIVESEED Practice... FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture Diverimpacts , Liveseed , Remix 2021
Thematic newsletters from Abiodoc ABioDoc - French Documentation Centre specialised... 2021
Treating wheat seed with vinegar against common bunt (Liveseed Practice... Agrologica , ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food Liveseed 2021
(Bio)solarisation: Advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet) Best4Soil , IFAPA , Agroscope BEST4Soil 2020
(Bio)solarisation: Advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Video) Best4Soil , IFAPA , Agroscope BEST4Soil 2020
Application of acetic acid as a seed treatment in organic cereal seed (Liveseed... Agrologica 2020
Calorespirometry – A phenotyping tool to assess pea germination efficiency under... University of Évora 2020
Conservation varieties in Italy (Liveseed Practice abstract) Rete Semi Rurali Liveseed 2020
Conserve and enhance beneficials in organic vineyards (BioVine Practice... Agroscope , KIS - Agricultural Institute of Slovenia , SCV - Research Station for Viticulture and Enology BioVine 2020 4 (1)
Control of foliar pathogens in organic viticulture (BIOVINE Practice Abstract) Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore BioVine 2020
Crop rotation: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet) Best4Soil , Delphy , IFAPA , SEGES , Agroscope , WUR - Wageningen University & Research , P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard BEST4Soil 2020
Crop rotation: Practical information (Best4Soil Video) Best4Soil , Delphy , IFAPA , SEGES , Agroscope , WUR - Wageningen University & Research , P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard BEST4Soil 2020
Cultivation of white lupin – a cool-season and environmentally friendly protein... FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture Legumes Translated 2020
Database of nematodes (Best4Soil) WUR - Wageningen University & Research BEST4Soil 2020
Database of soilborne pathogens of arable and horticultural crops (Best4Soil) Best4Soil BEST4Soil 2020 5 (2)
Designing strip intercropping systems (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract) WUR - Wageningen University & Research Diverimpacts 2020
Diversification of silage maize cultivation by using winter cover crops enabled... WUR - Wageningen University & Research Diverimpacts 2020
Farm saved seed: what are the rules? (Liveseed Practice abstract) Rete Semi Rurali Liveseed 2020
FiBL Focus podcast FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture 2020 4.5 (6)
Green manures & cover crops: Advantages & disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet) Best4Soil , Agroscope , Vermigrand , P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard BEST4Soil 2020
Green manures & cover crops: Advantages & disadvantages (Best4Soil Video) Best4Soil , Agroscope , Vermigrand , P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard BEST4Soil 2020
Green manures & cover crops: practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet) Best4Soil , Agroscope , Vermigrand , P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard BEST4Soil 2020
Green manures & cover crops: practical information (Best4Soil Video) Best4Soil , Agroscope , Vermigrand , P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard BEST4Soil 2020
How to improve organic seed production for carrots and cauliflower (Liveseed... FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture , ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic... Liveseed 2020
Increase plant health through mycorrhizal fungi (BIOVINE Practice Abstract) INRAE - National Research Institute for... BioVine 2020
Increasing exchanges between farmers to enhance crop diversification... Chambres d’agriculture Pays de la Loire Diverimpacts 2020
Intercropping grain peas with barley (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract) FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture Diverimpacts 2020
Intercropping grain-legumes and cereals for improved protein concentration in... SRUC - Scotland's Rural College , Aristotle University of Thessaloniki , IFOAM Organics Europe Remix 2020
LeNiBa - the KTBL / isip app for nitrogen balancing of legumes KTBL - Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der... OK-Net Arable 2020
Must sowing density of intercropping be half of the two sole crops density for... University of Hohenheim , Cirad - La recherche agronomique pour le... , Roskilde University , IFOAM Organics Europe Remix 2020
Precision farming: sowing canola with variable rate application FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture 2020
Soil organic matter (Best4Soil Factsheet) Best4Soil , Landwirtschaft Grand , Agroscope BEST4Soil 2020
Soil organic matter (Best4Soil Video) Best4Soil BEST4Soil 2020
Sowing of soybeans (Legumes Translated Video) Taifun-Tofu , LZ Soja Legumes Translated 2020
Species mixtures for lentil production in Germany (ReMIX Practice Abstract) University of Kassel , IFOAM Organics Europe Remix 2020
Wheat-lentil in South-West France (ReMIX Practice Abstract) INRAE - National Research Institute for... , Terrena - La nouvelle agriculture , IFOAM Organics Europe Remix 2020
Organic Arable Farming: Information for farmers considering conversion to... Organic Farmers & Growers 2019
Row crop cultivation - Cereals with cover crops SEGES 2019
Success and failure factors of European diversification experiences... ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic... Diverimpacts 2019
The use of strawberries as living mulch in organic orchards and vineyards... UNIVPM - Università Politecnica delle Marche Domino 2019
Choosing cover crops for arable crop rotations (OK-Net Arable Practice abstract) ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food OK-Net Arable 2018 5 (1)
Controlled traffic farming: A new track for soil and weed control in organic... Inagro OK-Net Arable 2018
Crop management for underutilised/minor grains (Cerere Practice Abstract) Organic Research Centre 2018
Cultivation in rows – Catch crops - tolerance and regrowth AU - Aarhus University , KU - University of Copenhagen , AgroIntelli , Økologisk VKST , Barritskov Land- og Skovbrug , SEGES 2018
Cultivation in rows – cereals with catch crops SEGES , AU - Aarhus University , KU - University of Copenhagen , AgroIntelli , Økologisk VKST , Barritskov Land- og Skovbrug 2018
Cultivation in rows – Nitrogen fixation by catch crops and their effect on yield SEGES , AU - Aarhus University , KU - University of Copenhagen , AgroIntelli , Økologisk VKST , Barritskov Land- og Skovbrug 2018
Cultivation in rows – Sowing time for catch crops AU - Aarhus University , KU - University of Copenhagen , AgroIntelli , Økologisk VKST , Barritskov Land- og Skovbrug , SEGES 2018 5 (3)
Cultivation in rows – Weed control between stubble rows AU - Aarhus University , KU - University of Copenhagen , AgroIntelli , Økologisk VKST , Barritskov Land- og Skovbrug , SEGES 2018
Cultivation in rows – Weed control in spring cereal grains AU - Aarhus University , KU - University of Copenhagen , AgroIntelli , Økologisk VKST , Barritskov Land- og Skovbrug , SEGES 2018 5 (1)
Direct drilling of winter cereals (OK-Net Arable Practice abstract) AIAB - Associazione Italiana Agricoltura Biologica OK-Net Arable 2018
Direct sowing with green manure (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract) Bioselena - Foundation for organic agriculture , IFOAM Organics Europe OK-Net Arable 2018
Growing Spelt and Ensuring a Market (Cerere Practice Abstract) ORC - Organic Research Centre 2018
Monitoring and comparing cover crop performances (OK-Net Arable Practice... ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food OK-Net Arable 2018
NDICEA - A digital tool to model nutrient balances across a crop rotation... ORC - Organic Research Centre OK-Net Arable 2018
Organic Soybean made easy (OK-Net Arable Video) FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture OK-Net Arable 2018
Row crop cultivation - Cover crop nitrogen fixation and effect on yield SEGES 2018
Row crop cultivation - Perennial crops, tolerance and regrowth SEGES 2018
Row crop cultivation - Row cleaning of the stubble SEGES 2018
Row crop cultivation - Sowing time for cover crops SEGES 2018
Row crop cultivation - Weed control in spring cereals SEGES 2018
Soybean silage (OK-Net Arable Practice abstract) AIAB - Associazione Italiana Agricoltura Biologica OK-Net Arable 2018
Catch crop in maize (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract) FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture OK-Net Arable 2017 4 (1)
Challenges of Organic Arable Farming - 1st module: Strategies to enhance soil... CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of... OK-Net Arable 2017
Challenges of Organic Arable Farming - 2nd module: Fertilization strategies to... CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of... OK-Net Arable 2017
Challenges of Organic Arable Farming - 4th module: Technical tools, strategies... CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of... OK-Net Arable 2017
Crop rotation and its ability to suppress perennial weeds (OK-Net Arable... SEGES 2017 3.3 (3)
Cultivating a diverse wheat population suitable for low-input and organic... ORC - Organic Research Centre OK-Net Arable 2017 5 (2)
Diverse fertility building leys in arable rotations (OK-Net Arable Practice... ORC - Organic Research Centre OK-Net Arable 2017 3.5 (2)
Growing cover crops in organic arable crop rotations: Best practices from... SEGES 2017 4 (2)
Handbook for designing & managing Agroforestry mixing fruits & vegetables GRAB - Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture... , ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food 2017
How to successfully convert to organic arable farming LFI - Ländliches Fortbildungsinstitut Österreich OK-Net Arable 2017 5 (3)
Intercropping grain peas with barley (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract) FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture OK-Net Arable 2017 4.3 (3)
No-till cultivation of maize in rolled forage peas (OK-Net Arable Practice... FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture OK-Net Arable 2017
Oregon Tilth Webinars Oregon Tilth OK-Net Arable 2017
Rolling of grains to prevent winter kill damage (OK-Net Arable Practice... FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture OK-Net Arable 2017 5 (1)
Successful cultivation of grain legumes mixed with cereals FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture OK-Net Arable 2017
Using crop rotation to control wireworms (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract) FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture OK-Net Arable 2017 4 (1)
Winter field peas as green manure before maize (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract) FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture OK-Net Arable 2017 4.5 (2)
Crop management of linseed FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture OK-Net Arable 2016 2 (1)
Crop Management of Rapeseed and Pollen Beetle Control FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture OK-Net Arable 2016 4 (1)
Crop rotation and its ability to suppress perennial weeds SEGES 2016 3 (1)
Growing cover crops in organic arable crop rotations: best practices from... SEGES 2016
Ley Destruction with Shallow Ploughing or Cultivators FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture OK-Net Arable 2016
Organic cultivation in autumn 2016 - Varieties, Seeds and Crop management LFI - Ländliches Fortbildungsinstitut Österreich OK-Net Arable 2016
Organic Cultivation in Spring 2016 - Varieties, Seeds and Crop management LFI - Ländliches Fortbildungsinstitut Österreich OK-Net Arable 2016
Organic Cultivation of Green Peas LFI - Ländliches Fortbildungsinstitut Österreich OK-Net Arable 2016
Organic quality wheat production - Results of long-term field trials of... LFI - Ländliches Fortbildungsinstitut Österreich OK-Net Arable 2016
Organic Soybean production in Europe ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic... OK-Net Arable 2016
Our heritage vegetables AEGILOPS - The Greek Network for Biodiversity and... Liveseed 2016
Direct Sowing of Maize FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture OK-Net Arable 2015
Intercropping grain peas with barley FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture OK-Net Arable 2015
Modification/change of sowing date in winter wheat PURE OK-Net Arable 2015 portal for organic plant production BLE - Federal Office for Agriculture and Food OK-Net Arable 2015 3 (10)
Processing Quality of Organic Wheat FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture OK-Net Arable 2015
SmartSOIL Tool AU - Aarhus University 2015 2 (3)
Cover crop and living mulch toolbox TUM - Technical University of Munich OK-Net Arable 2014 3.4 (10)
Demonstration of Plough Dethatchers FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture OK-Net Arable 2014 4.5 (2)
Hairy Vetch – an Excellent Green Manure for Dry Conditions FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture OK-Net Arable 2014 4 (2)
NDICEA - Nitrogen Planer – version 6.2 LBI - Louis Bolk Institute OK-Net Arable 2014 4 (4)
Practical advice for organic production of lupines Landesforschungsanstalt für Landwirtschaft und... OK-Net Arable 2014 4 (4)
Reduced Tillage Systems - Practical Recommendation FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture OK-Net Arable 2014 3.7 (3)
Resistant varieties for fruit growers - Malidae group ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic... Liveseed 2014
The use of legumes - Nature-compatible cultivation practices BfN - Federal Agency for Nature Conservation OK-Net Arable 2014
Crop rotations on diversified farms Southern Regional Extension Forestry OK-Net Arable 2013
Highcrop picture tool SEGES 2013
Mechanical Weed Control in Maize FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture OK-Net Arable 2013 5 (1)
Pest and Disease Control in Grass and Forage Crops Farming Connect OK-Net Arable 2013
Regionally adapted humus balance in organic farming LfULG - Sächsische Landesanstalt für Umwelt,... OK-Net Arable 2013 3.7 (3)
Mechanical weeding in arable crops ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food OK-Net Arable 2012 4.6 (10)
Plant breeding with farmers. A technical manual ICARDA - International Center for Agricultural... OK-Net Arable 2012
Organic Cover Cropping and Intercropping Washington State University - Puyallup OK-Net Arable 2011
Organic Small Grain Production Southern Regional Extension Forestry OK-Net Arable 2011
Organic Cereals FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture OK-Net Arable 2010 4 (3)
Potato Crop Managementn(FiBL Technical Guide) FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture OK-Net Arable 2010
A farmer’s guide to organic fruit and vegetable production OCW - Organic Centre Wales OK-Net Arable 2008 3.5 (2)
Cereal Disease Encyclopaedia AHDB - Agriculture and Horticulture Development... OK-Net Arable 2008
ROTOR: organic crop rotation planner ZALF - Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape... OK-Net Arable 2007 4.6 (11)
DSS "Weed Control in Organic Winter Wheat Production" University of Bonn OK-Net Arable 2004
Organic Weed Management: A Practical Guide Charles Merfield OK-Net Arable 2000
Advanced system in wheat: Combination of agronomical levels: The French... PURE OK-Net Arable - 5 (1)
Crop Rotation in Organic Systems OACC - Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada,... OK-Net Arable -
ECOPHYTOPIC – The portal for integrated crop protection of arable crops ACTA - Les Instituts Techniques Agricoles OK-Net Arable - 3.3 (3)
Inter-row cultivation for mechanical weed control in winter oilseed rape PURE OK-Net Arable -
Knowledge exchange platform for agroecology SOLAGRO OK-Net Arable - 3.2 (6)
Organic farming Guidelines for pest and disease control and weed management in... Uprawy ekologiczne OK-Net Arable - 4 (3)
Organic Field Crop Production OACC - Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada,... OK-Net Arable -
Pest Management in Organic Cropping Systems OACC - Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada,... OK-Net Arable -
Results an lessons learnt from field vegetables activity - cabbage PURE OK-Net Arable -
Results and lessons learnt from wheat-based cropping system activity PURE OK-Net Arable -
Soil and Fertility Management in Organic Systems OACC - Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada,... OK-Net Arable - 5 (1)
Transition to organic production OACC - Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada,... OK-Net Arable -
Use of variety mixtures to reduce disease, increase resource-use efficiency... PURE OK-Net Arable -
Weed harrowing in spring cereals PURE OK-Net Arable -


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