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Results - 60

Title Issuing organisation Project Year of release Rating
InvestPorc, how much does it cost to produce organic pork or free-range pork? Centre wallon de recherches agronomiques 2024
Pig health booklet WUR - Wageningen University & Research 2022
Welfare and environmental impact of organic pig production (POWER Factsheet) FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture , University BOKU Wien , Center for Frilandsdyr , CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and... , INRAE - National Research Institute for... , RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden , Thünen-Institut , WUR - Wageningen University & Research POWER 2022 5 (1)
Heat treatment and dehulling effects on feed value of faba beans (OK-Net Ecofeed... Soil Association OK-Net EcoFeed 2021
Feeding silage to pigs with an automatic straw distributor (OK-Net EcoFeed... SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences , Hushållningssällskapet OK-Net EcoFeed 2021 4 (1)
Silage as bulk feed for pigs with restricted feeding (OK-Net EcoFeed Practice... Ecovalia - Asociación Valor Ecológico , Universidad de Córdoba OK-Net EcoFeed 2021
Ration planning tool, user manual and webinar: Poultry and swine ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food , FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture OK-Net EcoFeed 2021 4.8 (5)
The potential feed value of grain tailings for poultry (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice... Soil Association OK-Net EcoFeed 2021
Foraging of organic finishing pigs on protein-rich fodder (OK-Net EcoFeed... ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food OK-Net EcoFeed 2021
Brewer's yeast silage for feeding pigs (OK-Net Ecofeed Video) Ecovalia - Asociación Valor Ecológico OK-Net EcoFeed 2021 3.5 (2)
Using an automatic straw-distributor to feed silage to pigs – A potential to... SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences OK-Net EcoFeed 2021
Feeding grass/clover silage to finisher pigs in addition to liquid feeding... SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences OK-Net EcoFeed 2021
Establishing forage turnip in the pasture outdoor area as supplementary feed to... SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences OK-Net EcoFeed 2021
Automatic manure scrapers for reduced ammonia emissions (POWER Practice... FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture POWER 2021
Bio-étagères – Virtual "shelves" ABioDoc - French Documentation Centre specialised... 2021
Species-appropriate feeding of fattening pigs FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture 2021
Silage with chicory to weaning pigs in multi-family pens (OK-Net Ecofeed Video) SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences OK-Net EcoFeed 2020
Phase feeding for growing and finishing pigs (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract) SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences OK-Net EcoFeed 2020
Traditional raw materials, alternative products and by-products for organic pig... Universidad de Córdoba OK-Net EcoFeed 2020 2.5 (1)
Outdoor breeding of organic sows: a complete technical guide Chambres d’agriculture Pays de la Loire OK-Net EcoFeed 2020
List of weeds traditionally used to feed pigs Ecovalia - Asociación Valor Ecológico , Universidad de Córdoba OK-Net EcoFeed 2020
Introducing nettle into organic pig feeding Chambres d’agriculture Pays de la Loire , ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food OK-Net EcoFeed 2020 1 (1)
Farm system evaluated: pig farm in Centre region of France SECALIBIO - Sécuriser les Systèmes Alimentaires en... OK-Net EcoFeed 2020
Organic pig feeding. Feed, rations LfL - Bavarian State Research Center for... OK-Net EcoFeed 2020
On-farm soy processing – toasting soy for pig fattening (OK-Net EcoFeed video) Donau Soja , FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture OK-Net EcoFeed 2020
Starfish as feedstuff (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract) AU - Aarhus University OK-Net EcoFeed 2020
Foraging of pigs in outdoor areas (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract) AU - Aarhus University OK-Net EcoFeed 2020
Brewer’s yeast for organic pigs (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract) Ecovalia - Asociación Valor Ecológico , Universidad de Córdoba OK-Net EcoFeed 2020 3.3 (3)
Blue mussels as feedstuff (OK-Net EcoFeed Practice Abstract) AU - Aarhus University OK-Net EcoFeed 2020
Recommendations for using soya-based feedstuffs in pig husbandry (OK-Net Ecofeed... Donau Soja OK-Net EcoFeed 2020
Rotational grazing for organic pregnant sows to replace protein components... ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food , Chambres d’agriculture Pays de la Loire , IDELE - Institute De L'elevage OK-Net EcoFeed 2020 5 (1)
Whey for fattening organic pigs (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract) Ecovalia - Asociación Valor Ecológico , Universidad de Córdoba OK-Net EcoFeed 2020 3.5 (4)
Single-phase feeding and compensatory growth in growing and finishing pigs... SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences OK-Net EcoFeed 2020
Acorns for fattening free-range pigs (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract) Ecovalia - Asociación Valor Ecológico , Universidad de Córdoba OK-Net EcoFeed 2020 4.5 (2)
Seaweed as feed supplement (OK-Net EcoFeed Practice Abstract) AU - Aarhus University OK-Net EcoFeed 2020
Relevance of roughage feeding to pigs (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract) FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture OK-Net EcoFeed 2019
Free-range pigs: high animal welfare with appropriate infrastructure and... FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture OK-Net EcoFeed 2019
Lucerne as pig feed SECALIBIO - Sécuriser les Systèmes Alimentaires en... OK-Net EcoFeed 2019 5 (1)
Simplifying feeding management between weaning and culling process: impact on... SECALIBIO - Sécuriser les Systèmes Alimentaires en... OK-Net EcoFeed 2019
Feeding grass silage to fattening pigs (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract) FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture OK-Net EcoFeed 2019 4.5 (4)
Feeding of pigs: effect of silage (OK-Net Ecofeed Video) FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture OK-Net EcoFeed 2019 4 (4)
Introducing maize, bean and courgettes into the diet of foraging pigs (OK-Net... ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food OK-Net EcoFeed 2019 1 (1)
Rotating pasture for pregnant sows (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract) ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food OK-Net EcoFeed 2019
Whey in pig feed La finca de hoy OK-Net EcoFeed 2017
Prevent tail biting: watching – thinking – acting FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture , FBN - Farmers Business Network , FLI - Friedrich Löffler Institut , WUR - Wageningen University & Research , INRAE - National Research Institute for... , CEA-Leti , DTI - Danish Technological Institute OK-Net EcoFeed 2017
Animal-friendly pig husbandry: an advisory tool for Swaziland FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture , Sahee Foundation OK-Net EcoFeed 2016
Improving health and welfare of pigs - A handbook for organic pig farmers FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture 2015 4 (1)
Fulfilling 100% organic pig diets: Concentrates ORC - Organic Research Centre OK-Net EcoFeed 2015
Avoiding too large of a litter and piglet losses FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture OK-Net EcoFeed 2015
Fulfilling 100% organic pig diets: Feeding roughage and foraging from the range ORC - Organic Research Centre OK-Net EcoFeed 2015 3.7 (3)
Successful weaning of organic piglets FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture , Bio Austria , Bioland , Bio Suisse , Demeter , IBLA Luxemburg , KÖN - Kompetenzzentrum Ökolandbau Niedersachsen OK-Net EcoFeed 2014
Boar fattening on organic farms: animal-friendly alternative to castration FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture OK-Net EcoFeed 2013
Feedstuffs for organic pigs CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and... OK-Net EcoFeed 2012
Optimising weaning management in piglets FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture , Bioland Beratung , KÖN - Kompetenzzentrum Ökolandbau Niedersachsen , Bio Austria OK-Net EcoFeed 2011
Hygiene management in organic pig husbandry (FiBL Factsheet) FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture , Bioland Beratung , KÖN - Kompetenzzentrum Ökolandbau Niedersachsen , Bio Austria OK-Net EcoFeed 2011
Group suckling in organic pig husbandry (FiBL Factsheet) FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture , Bioland Beratung , KÖN - Kompetenzzentrum Ökolandbau Niedersachsen OK-Net EcoFeed 2011
Organic pig production in Europe: health management in common organic pig... FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture 2011
Appropriate feed strategies for organic sows and their piglets FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture , Bioland , Landwirtschaftskammer Nordrhein-Westfalen , KÖN - Kompetenzzentrum Ökolandbau Niedersachsen , University of Kassel OK-Net EcoFeed 2011
Feed for organic pigs Gård och djurhälsan OK-Net EcoFeed 2009
Feeding organic pigs: a handbook of raw materials and recommendations for... University of Newcastle OK-Net EcoFeed 2002


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