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Kala vingårdar är fientliga miljöer för många nyttodjur eftersom rovdjur, parasitoider och…

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Ett välorganiserat födosök med foder av god kvalitet minskar mängden kraftfoder som förbrukas och…

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Smarta torkningstillämpningar möjliggör hållbar bearbetning av ekologiska livsmedel i form av hög…

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The addition of sprouted seeds to the ration could improve utilisation of available feedstuffs.…

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Removal of weed seeds from seed crops is also essential to minimise spread of weeds. In addition,…

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Processing beans to remove antinutritional factors could increase the use and value of a product…

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The 2nd Organic Livestock Day in Courtemelon (canton of Jura, Switzerland) on 10 June 2021 will be…

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Copper alternative, Tagatose, an organic alternative plant protection agent, is discussed as a…

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Soybeans anti-nutritive components must be deactivated by heat prior to feeding to swine or poultry.…

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The cultivation of stinging nettles was tested in an experiment on two trial plots. The sowing was…

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