Themen und Diskussion

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Bodengesundheit und -qualität

Bodengesundheit und -qualität

Nachhaltiger Ackerbau hängt von der Pflege sowie der Verbesserung von Bodenqualität und -fruchtbarkeit ab. Diese sind wiederum abhängig von organischer Substanz im Boden und ihrer Auswirkung auf die chemischen, biologischen und physikalischen Bodeneigenschaften. Die organische Substanz ist die Lebensgrundlage für eine Fülle von Bodenmikroben und -lebewesen, welche Nährstoffe bereitstellen und die Bodenstruktur aufbauen. Daher sollte die Fruchtfolge immer eine Phase beinhalten, welche es der organischen Substanz erlaubt, sich aufzubauen, also etwa durch die Miteinbeziehung von mehrjährigem Kleegras oder Zwischenfrüchten im Herbst und Winter. Um das Bodenleben zu schützen, sollte die Nährstoffgabe durch Mist, Ernterückstände und andere Dünger ausgewogen sein. Aus demselben Grund sollte Bodenverdichtung durch schwere Maschinen vermieden werden.

Auf dieser Seite finden Sie Tools und Ressourcen, die Ihnen dabei helfen können, die Bodenqualität und -fruchtbarkeit zu verbessern und Sie können das Thema mit anderen diskutieren.

Ausgewählte Tools

Choosing cover crops for arable crop rotations (OK-Net Arable Practice abstract)Beliebtestes Tool

Choosing cover crops for arable crop rotations (OK-Net Arable Practice abstract)

The tools aim at highlighting the main technical challenges as well as the ways and means of reflection, which can improve the understanding and the…

Cultivating resilience and protecting the soil: empowering farmers through data driven decision supportNeustes Tool

Cultivating resilience and protecting the soil: empowering farmers through data driven decision support

This abstract explores the potential of a robust decision support platform to empower farmers in adopting sustainable agricultural practices and…



TitelHerausgebende OrganisationProjektErscheinungsjahrBewertung
(Bio)solarisation: Advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet)Best4Soil , IFAPA , AgroscopeBEST4Soil2020
(Bio)solarisation: Advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Video)Best4Soil , IFAPA , AgroscopeBEST4Soil2020
(Bio)solarisation: practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet)Best4Soil , IFAPA , AgroscopeBEST4Soil2020
(Bio)solarisation: practical information (Best4Soil Video)IFAPA , AgroscopeBEST4Soil2020
Advanced system in wheat: Combination of agronomical levels: The French...PUREOK-Net Arable-
Aerated compost tea (ACT) to improve soil biology and to act as a...ORC - Organic Research CentreOK-Net Arable2017
Agricology Farming theme: Organic FarmingAgricology2021
Anaerobic soil disinfestation (ASD): Advantages and disadvantage (Best4Soil...WUR - Wageningen University & ResearchBEST4Soil2020
Anaerobic soil disinfestation (ASD): Advantages and disadvantage (Best4Soil...WUR - Wageningen University & ResearchBEST4Soil2020
Anaerobic soil disinfestation (ASD): Practical Information (Best4Soil Factsheet)WUR - Wageningen University & ResearchBEST4Soil2020
Anaerobic soil disinfestation (ASD): Practical Information (Best4Soil Video)WUR - Wageningen University & ResearchBEST4Soil2019
ANATIS the new weeding robot from CarréFiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture2019
Assessing soil structure with two simple methods : Spade Test and mini 3D soil...ARVALIS - Institut du végétalOK-Net Arable2017
Autumn cover crops (OK-Net Arable Practice abstract)AIAB - Associazione Italiana Agricoltura BiologicaOK-Net Arable2018
Avoiding hoeing in organic oilseed rape (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract)FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureDiverimpacts2021
Belowground biodiversity in strip cropping systems (SureVeg practice abstract)CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and...SUREVEG , CORE Organic Cofund2021
Biobase - the most important french document archive specialised in organic...ABioDoc - French Documentation Centre specialised...2021
BIOFRUITNET-Podcast (fünf Folgen)FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureBiofruitnet2023
Biofumigation: Practical information, advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil...Best4Soil , Agroscope , IFAPABEST4Soil2020
Biofumigation: Practical information, advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil...Best4Soil , Agroscope , IFAPABEST4Soil2020
Biopresse – monthly French bibliographic review on organic agricultureABioDoc - French Documentation Centre specialised...2021
BodenbearbeitungFiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureOK-Net Arable2013
Bringen Sie Ordnung in Ihren Boden: Ein praktischer Leitfaden für GründüngungCotswold Seeds Ltd. , Garden OrganicOK-Net Arable-
Catch crop in maize (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract)FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureOK-Net Arable2017
Challenges of Organic Arable Farming - 1st module: Strategies to enhance soil...CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of...OK-Net Arable2017
Challenges of Organic Arable Farming - 2nd module: Fertilization strategies to...CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of...OK-Net Arable2017
Challenges of Organic Arable Farming - 6th module: Recovery and final synthesisCIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of...OK-Net Arable2017
Choosing cover crops for arable crop rotations (OK-Net Arable Practice abstract)ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and FoodOK-Net Arable2018
Commercial organic fertiliser as supplementary fertilisers in potato crop...FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureOK-Net Arable2017
Compost for planting - Against Rhizoctonia root rot disease in potatoesFiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture , University of Kassel2020
Compost quality test (Best4Soil Factsheet)Best4Soil , Agroscope , FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureBEST4Soil2020
Compost quality test (Best4Soil Video)Best4Soil , Agroscope , FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureBEST4Soil2020
Compost tea: innovative management of organic sweet cherry orchards and organic...CREA - Research Centre for Agriculture and...2023
Compost: Advantages and Disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet)Best4Soil , Landwirtschaft Grand , AgroscopeBEST4Soil2020
Compost: Advantages and Disadvantages (Best4Soil Video)Best4Soil , Landwirtschaft Grand , AgroscopeBEST4Soil2020
Compost: practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet)Best4Soil , Landwirtschaft GrandBEST4Soil2020
Compost: practical information (Best4Soil Video)Best4Soil , Landwirtschaft GrandBEST4Soil2020
Compost: Thermophilic compost (Best4Soil Factsheet)Best4Soil , Landwirtschaft GrandBEST4Soil2020
Compost: Thermophilic compost (Best4Soil Video)Best4Soil , Landwirtschaft GrandBEST4Soil2020
Compost: vermicompost (BEST4Soil Factsheet)Best4Soil , Landwirtschaft GrandBEST4Soil2020
Control of creeping thistle by stubble cultivation (OK-Net Arable Practice...FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureOK-Net Arable2017
Controlled traffic farming: A new track for soil and weed control in organic...InagroOK-Net Arable2018
Controlling docks by stubble cultivation (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract)FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureOK-Net Arable2017
Copper reduction strategies in tomato production (RELACS Practice Abstract)FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture , IFOAM Organics Europe , ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic...2022
Cover Crop (Rye) and No-Till System in WisconsinFiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureOK-Net Arable2014
Cover crop management and terminationSARE - Sustainable Agriculture Research and...OK-Net Arable2014
Cover crop mulches and no-till maize (OK-Net Arable Practice abstract)AIAB - Associazione Italiana Agricoltura BiologicaOK-Net Arable2018
Cover crop mulches and no-till soybean (OK-Net Arable Practice abstract)AIAB - Associazione Italiana Agricoltura BiologicaOK-Net Arable2017
Cover crops (living mulches) in the tree row of organic orchards: why and how?...GRAB - Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture...Biofruitnet2022
Cover crops in soil nutrient management in organic orchards (BIOFRUITNET Video)IO-PIB - National Institute of Horticultural...Biofruitnet2023
Crop growth and nutrient dynamics in intercropping systems using different...AU - Aarhus UniversitySUREVEG , CORE Organic Cofund2022
Crop Management of Rapeseed and Pollen Beetle ControlFiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureOK-Net Arable2016
Crop rotation and its ability to suppress perennial weedsSEGES2016
Crop Rotation in Organic SystemsOACC - Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada,...OK-Net Arable-
Crop rotation: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet)Best4Soil , Delphy , IFAPA , SEGES , Agroscope , WUR - Wageningen University & Research , P. H. Petersen Saatzucht LundsgaardBEST4Soil2020
Crop rotation: Practical information (Best4Soil Video)Best4Soil , Delphy , IFAPA , SEGES , Agroscope , WUR - Wageningen University & Research , P. H. Petersen Saatzucht LundsgaardBEST4Soil2020
Crop rotations on diversified farmsSouthern Regional Extension ForestryOK-Net Arable2013
Cultivating resilience and protecting the soil: empowering farmers through data...Wagralim2024
Cultivation in rows – Catch crops - tolerance and regrowthAU - Aarhus University , KU - University of Copenhagen , AgroIntelli , Økologisk VKST , Barritskov Land- og Skovbrug , SEGES2018
Cultivation in rows – cereals with catch cropsSEGES , AU - Aarhus University , KU - University of Copenhagen , AgroIntelli , Økologisk VKST , Barritskov Land- og Skovbrug2018
Cultivation in rows – Nitrogen fixation by catch crops and their effect on yieldSEGES , AU - Aarhus University , KU - University of Copenhagen , AgroIntelli , Økologisk VKST , Barritskov Land- og Skovbrug2018
Cultivation in rows – Weed control between stubble rowsAU - Aarhus University , KU - University of Copenhagen , AgroIntelli , Økologisk VKST , Barritskov Land- og Skovbrug , SEGES2018
Cultivation of white lupin – a cool-season and environmentally friendly protein...FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureLegumes Translated2020
Database of nematodes (Best4Soil)WUR - Wageningen University & ResearchBEST4Soil2020
Datenbank zu bodenbürtigen Krankheitserregern von Acker- und Gartenbaukulturen...Best4SoilBEST4Soil2020
Demonstration of Plough DethatchersFiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureOK-Net Arable2014
Den Dreck bis vor die Haustür bringen: Biologische Unkrautbekämpfung ohne...Rodale InstituteOK-Net Arable2014
Der Müncheberg Soil Quality Rating (SQR)ZALF - Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape...OK-Net Arable2007
Determine compost quality using the cress tests (OK-Net Arable Practice...FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureOK-Net Arable2018
Developing a fertilisation strategy in organic pome fruit (BIOFRUITNET Practice...Laimburg Research CentreBiofruitnet2023
Die Spatenprobe – visuelle Bodenbeurteilung im FreilandFiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureOK-Net Arable2016
Direct sowing with green manure (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract)Bioselena - Foundation for organic agriculture , IFOAM Organics EuropeOK-Net Arable2018
Direktsaat von MaisFiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureOK-Net Arable2015
Diverse fertility building leys in arable rotations (OK-Net Arable Practice...ORC - Organic Research CentreOK-Net Arable2017
Diversification of silage maize cultivation by using winter cover crops enabled...WUR - Wageningen University & ResearchDiverimpacts2020
Diversified rotations in protected vegetable production systems (DiverIMPACTS...INRAE - National Research Institute for...Diverimpacts2021
Efficient nitrogen use from livestock manureSEGESOK-Net Arable2016
Efficient use of nitrogen from livestock manure (OK-Net Arable Practice...SEGESOK-Net Arable2017
Ein Leitfaden für Landwirte zum ökologischen Obst- und GemüseanbauOCW - Organic Centre WalesOK-Net Arable2008
FiBL Collaboration podcastFiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture2023
FiBL Focus podcastFiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture2020
Five simple methods to self-assess the quality of your soilFiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture , Agridea2018
Free-range laying hens: providing species-appropriate and sustainable husbandry...FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture , Bioland Beratung , KÖN - Kompetenzzentrum Ökolandbau Niedersachsen , Bio AustriaOK-Net EcoFeed2010
Fruit growing: Control of harmful insects with vibration - biotremology...CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of...Biofruitnet2022
Getting your land ready to grow organically – certified or notMichigan State UniversityOK-Net Arable2016
Grain legumes and soil fertility - Strategies for a successful cultivationBfN - Federal Agency for Nature ConservationOK-Net Arable2014
Green manures & cover crops: Advantages & disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet)Best4Soil , Agroscope , Vermigrand , P. H. Petersen Saatzucht LundsgaardBEST4Soil2020
Green manures & cover crops: Advantages & disadvantages (Best4Soil Video)Best4Soil , Agroscope , Vermigrand , P. H. Petersen Saatzucht LundsgaardBEST4Soil2020
Green manures & cover crops: practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet)Best4Soil , Agroscope , Vermigrand , P. H. Petersen Saatzucht LundsgaardBEST4Soil2020
Green manures & cover crops: practical information (Best4Soil Video)Best4Soil , Agroscope , Vermigrand , P. H. Petersen Saatzucht LundsgaardBEST4Soil2020
Growing cover crops in organic arable crop rotations: best practices from...SEGES2016
Growing cover crops in organic arable crop rotations: Best practices from...SEGES2017
Gründüngung und Zwischenfrüchte im ökologischen Landbau: Allgemeine EinführungITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and FoodOK-Net Arable2012
Gründüngung und Zwischenfrüchte im ökologischen Landbau: Leitfaden zur Auswahl...ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and FoodOK-Net Arable2012
Grünlandvernichtung mit Flachpflügen oder GrubbernFiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureOK-Net Arable2016
Hairy Vetch – an Excellent Green Manure for Dry ConditionsFiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureOK-Net Arable2014
Harrow with electronic depth control (with Paul Treffler)FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture2018
Healthy Grassland Soils PocketbookAHDB - Agriculture and Horticulture Development...OK-Net Arable2015
How to check whether a Rhizobium-based formulation actually increases the...Euroseeds2022
How to successfully convert to organic arable farmingLFI - Ländliches Fortbildungsinstitut ÖsterreichOK-Net Arable2017
Incorporating Green ManuresFiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureOK-Net Arable2013
Increase plant health through mycorrhizal fungi (BIOVINE Practice Abstract)INRAE - National Research Institute for...BioVine2020
Increasing awareness of soil microbial ecosystem services (DiverIMPACTS Practice...Thünen-InstitutDiverimpacts2020
Inoculation of soybean seed – inoculation for an efficient nitrogen supplyDeutscher SojaförderringLegumes Translated2019
Integration mikrobieller Modulationslösungen in landwirtschaftliche PraktikenWagralim2024
Integration of different agronomical practices for inter-row soil management in...IO-PIB - National Institute of Horticultural...Biofruitnet2023
Inter-row cultivation - Mechanical control of weeds in soybean cropsIFVCNS - Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops...Legumes Translated2020
Inter-row cultivation for mechanical weed control in winter oilseed rapePUREOK-Net Arable-
Intercropping grain peas with barley (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract)FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureOK-Net Arable2017
Intercropping in orchards as innovative practice of soil management (BIOFRUITNET...IO-PIB - National Institute of Horticultural...Biofruitnet2023
Legume fatigue - Background, measures and instructions for soil testingFiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture2023
Leitfaden zum BodenqualitätstestkitUSDA - United States Department of AgricultureOK-Net Arable2001
LeNiBa - the KTBL / isip app for nitrogen balancing of legumesKTBL - Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der...OK-Net Arable2020
Machine demo: Incorporating green manure with rotary tillers and pulled machinesFiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture2018
Machine demonstration - Destroying an alfalfa crop without plough and herbicidesFiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture2018
Managing for Soil Health on an Organic Farm - A Farmer's PerspectiveSouthern Regional Extension ForestryOK-Net Arable2014
Managing the agro-ecosystem in the organic citrus grove: biodiversity and soil...CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of...Biofruitnet2023
Mechanical weed control - Demonstration of 10 harrows and hoeing machinesFiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture , Inagro2020
Mechanical weeding in organic vegetable production (finger weeder Kult/Kress,...FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture2018
Mechanische Unkrautbekämpfung im MaisFiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureOK-Net Arable2013
Merkblatt Kompostierung – Agrarökologischer Ansatz auf Ihrem BetriebBioforum VlaanderenOK-Net Arable2013
Microbial antagonists & bca: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet)Best4Soil , Agroscope , TeagascBEST4Soil2020
Microbial antagonists & bca: practical information (Best4Soil Video)Best4Soil , Agroscope , TeagascBEST4Soil2020
Multispectral remote sensing in participatory on-farm variety trials (OK-Net...ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic...OK-Net Arable2018
Mycorrhizal fungi – How to produce your own bio-fertilizer (SolACE Practice...FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture2019
Nährstoffmanagement in landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben bei der Umstellung auf...LfULG - Sächsische Landesanstalt für Umwelt,...OK-Net Arable2008
NährstoffversorgungFiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureOK-Net Arable2011
NDICEA - Nitrogen Planer – version 6.2LBI - Louis Bolk InstituteOK-Net Arable2014
Nematodes as suitable indicators for soil health (Greenresilient Factsheet)ILVO - Flanders Research Institute for...GreenResilient2020
New ways of stubble cultivationFiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureOK-Net Arable2010
Nitrogen efficiency of organic fertilisers (RELACS Practice Abstract)FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture , IFOAM Organics Europe , University of Hohenheim2022
No-till cultivation of maize in rolled forage peas (OK-Net Arable Practice...FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureOK-Net Arable2017
Nutrient Budgeting: Organic Considerations for Implementing NRCS CPS 590Southern Regional Extension ForestryOK-Net Arable2014
NutriGadget - Farm gate nutrient budgets for organic farming (Relacs Practice...FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture , University of Hohenheim , KU - University of CopenhagenRELACS2020
Oregon Tilth WebinarsOregon TilthOK-Net Arable2017
Organic apple orchard fertilisation: row and inter-row management with legume...IO-PIB - National Institute of Horticultural...Biofruitnet2022
Organic Arable Farming: Information for farmers considering conversion to...Organic Farmers & Growers2019
Organic Cover Cropping and IntercroppingWashington State University - PuyallupOK-Net Arable2011
Organic farming: Basic principles and good practicesFiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture2021
Organic fertilisation of young apple orchards (DOMINO Practice Abstract)Laimburg Research CentreDomino , CORE Organic Cofund2021
Organic Field Crop ProductionOACC - Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada,...OK-Net Arable-
Organic free-range management of laying hensFiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureOK-Net EcoFeed2001
Organic no-till systemsSouthern Regional Extension ForestryOK-Net Arable2013
Organic Weed Management: A Practical GuideCharles MerfieldOK-Net Arable2000
Pest Management in Organic Cropping SystemsOACC - Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada,...OK-Net Arable-
Pest Management in Organic Production SystemsSouthern Regional Extension ForestryOK-Net Arable2011
Phosphorus sources for organic agriculture (RELACS Practice Abstract)FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture , IFOAM Organics Europe2022
Physical protection barriers to reduce fungal and pest damages (DOMINO Practice...Laimburg Research CentreDomino , CORE Organic Cofund2021
Planting vegetable seedlings mechanically in a mulch cover with the...FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture2019
Practical information for soil health (Best4Soil Factsheet)Best4Soil , DelphyBEST4Soil2020
Practical information for soil health (Best4Soil Video)Best4Soil , DelphyBEST4Soil2020
Praktische Hinweise für den ökologischen LupinenanbauLandesforschungsanstalt für Landwirtschaft und...OK-Net Arable2014
Precision farming: sowing canola with variable rate applicationFiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture2020
Professional guide for organic arable farmersICROFS - International Centre for Research in...2021
Promoting range use in broiler chickens (FreeBirds Practice Abstract)SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural SciencesFreeBirds , CORE Organic Cofund2021
Promoting range use in laying hens (FreeBirds Practice Abstract)SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural SciencesFreeBirds , CORE Organic Cofund2021
Protein extraction from forage legumes (ProRefine Practice Abstract)AU - Aarhus UniversityProRefine , CORE Organic Cofund2022
Qualitative Soil Analysis - ToolkitInstitute for Soil Conservation & Sustainable...2020
Quick test for infiltration of arable soils (OK-Net Arable Practice abstract)Bioland , FiBL Projekte GmbHOK-Net Arable2018
Reduced Tillage (FiBL Factsheet)FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureOK-Net Arable2014
Reduced Tillage Systems - Practical RecommendationFiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureOK-Net Arable2014
Reduzierte Bodenbearbeitung und Stoppeleinarbeitung - Vergleich verschiedener...FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureOK-Net Arable2013
Regenwürmer: Architekten fruchtbarer Böden (FiBL Technical Guide)FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureOK-Net Arable2022
Regional angepasste Humusbilanz im ÖkolandbauLfULG - Sächsische Landesanstalt für Umwelt,...OK-Net Arable2013
Results an lessons learnt from field vegetables activity - cabbagePUREOK-Net Arable-
Results and lessons learnt from wheat-based cropping system activityPUREOK-Net Arable-
Rolling of grains to prevent winter kill damage (OK-Net Arable Practice...FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureOK-Net Arable2017
ROTOR: Bio-FruchtfolgeplanerZALF - Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape...OK-Net Arable2007
Scab prevention: reduction of ascospores through increased decomposition of...DelphyBiofruitnet2022
Separation and weaning of calves reared in cow-calf contact systems...FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureProYoungStock2021
Shallow Ploughing of Leys – Comparison of Different Plough and Cultivator TypesFiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureOK-Net Arable2015
Simple building blocks for improved soil fertility – Look and judge yourselfInagroOK-Net Arable2007
SmartSOIL ToolAU - Aarhus University2015
Soil and Fertility Management in Organic SystemsOACC - Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada,...OK-Net Arable-
Soil borne diseases: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet)WUR - Wageningen University & Research , IFAPA - Instituto Andaluz de Investigación y... , AgroscopeBEST4Soil2020
Soil borne diseases: Practical information (Best4Soil Video)WUR - Wageningen University & Research , IFAPA - Instituto Andaluz de Investigación y... , AgroscopeBEST4Soil2020
Soil fertility - manure treatmentLandwirtschaftliches Zentrum LiebeggOK-Net Arable2009
Soil organic matter (Best4Soil Factsheet)Best4Soil , Landwirtschaft Grand , AgroscopeBEST4Soil2020
Soil organic matter (Best4Soil Video)Best4SoilBEST4Soil2020
Soil protection and Crop RotationFiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureOK-Net Arable2021
SOILappSant’Anna - School of Advanced Studies - Pisa , Scuola Esperienziale Itinerante di Agricoltura... , AEGILOPS - The Greek Network for Biodiversity and...OK-Net Arable2018
SoilDocFiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture2019
Spade testISARA - Institut supérieure d’agriculture LyonOK-Net Arable2016
Stickstoffhaushaltsrechner. Ein Tool zur Berechnung des Stickstoffhaushalts in...ZALF - Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape...2013
Struvite’s potential as an alternative phosphorus source for organic agriculture...FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture , IFOAM Organics EuropeRELACS2021
Testing soil for legume fatigue (DiverIMPACTS, ReMIX, LIVESEED Practice...FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureDiverimpacts , Liveseed , Remix2021
The Basics of Soil FertilityFiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureOK-Net Arable2013
The new sickle hoe developed by Dieter Leibing - An alternative to the common...FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture2019
The potential of biofumigation to control soil borne pests, pathogens and weeds...ORC - Organic Research CentreDiverimpacts2022
The use of legumes - Nature-compatible cultivation practicesBfN - Federal Agency for Nature ConservationOK-Net Arable2014
The use of strawberries as living mulch in organic orchards and vineyards...UNIVPM - Università Politecnica delle MarcheDomino2019
Thematic newsletters from AbiodocABioDoc - French Documentation Centre specialised...2021
Transfer mulch in organic greenhouse crops (Greenresilient Practice abstract)FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureGreenResilient2021
Transfer mulch in organic greenhouses (Greenresilient Factsheet)FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureGreenResilient2021
Transition to organic productionOACC - Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada,...OK-Net Arable-
Undersowing leys in cereals (SolACE Practice abstract)FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture2019
Use of variety mixtures to reduce disease, increase resource-use efficiency...PUREOK-Net Arable-
Vermicompost - Practical information (Best4Soil Video)Landwirtschaft GrandBEST4Soil2020
Visuelle Bodenbeurteilung: Feldführer für den AnbauLandcare ResearchOK-Net Arable2000
Weed control in soy with the finger weeder (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract)FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureOK-Net Arable2017
Weed control with the robots Dino and Ecorobotix in arable crops - experiences...FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture , Chambre régionale d'agriculture Grand Est2020
Weed harrowing in spring cerealsPUREOK-Net Arable-
Werkzeugkasten für Zwischenfrüchte und lebenden MulchTUM - Technical University of MunichOK-Net Arable2014
Winter field peas as green manure before maize (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract)FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureOK-Net Arable2017
Winter field peas as green manure before nitrogen-demanding crops (DiverIMPACTS...FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureDiverimpacts2019
Wissensaustauschplattform für AgrarökologieSOLAGROOK-Net Arable-


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Themen & Diskussion